By technicality Magnus is with the pack not a part of the pack He technically shouldn't be taking any orders nor should he be quite so active with it At least from what I gathered from the last time I watched the teen wolf show The Druids didn't tell the pack they were the emissary They were advice givers and such With the main Druid helping the main character when they really needed it but did such in a way that didn't fully interfere Magnus is trying to be more active because when he followed that way last time he watched his pack die it more of a control issue? More of a not wanting any other character to do it because there's something important coming up? Would it be messing up a plan? Again I'm not saying I'm going to have him go and do it just trying to fully understand the dynamics of it in such a way that I can make it make since with Magnus Ordering him is probably going to have him doing the opposite right now Edit: I'm sorry if I'm being annoying I just want to make sure I do the best post that fits both my character and the situation. I'll stop now