[img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/63e3/f/2017/173/c/d/photo_on_2017_06_22_at_5_35_pm__2_by_rocketrobie2-dbdo5xo.png[/img] Name: Weffal Cloned from: A short brown haired, fairly tall person who was generally pretty skinny. Favorite powers: Flight, Four arms technique, Makenkosappo, Gallik Gun, Spirit Bomb Personality: Weffal , while not the strongest out of all the clones, is filled with a fighting spirit that leaves little room for emotions like fear. He isn’t stupidly fearless and knows when he’s outmatched but he has a lot of confidence in his abilities and is willing to push himself over the edge to achieve any goal set out by himself or others. Special History: Nothing special Equipment: Capsule Case: Three senzu