[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/oYxJslA.png[/img] [@VitoftheVoid][@thewizardguy][@irishangelqueen][/center] If two was company and three was a crowd, Orion thought, then four was the straggling gaggle that formed after the end of a decent party, working as a unit to try and extend it into a less decent one: Unpleasant, uncomfortable, and best to avoid at all costs. This new man was threatening them, or proposing a business agreement. Or both, perhaps, given that they were in the middle of the Ash. He glanced back toward the mercenary pitching his offer; at the ensemble he wore, his tone, and his manner of carrying himself. It was confident, and not totally unlike the flashy confidence that worked in Erubescan rings. The aesthetic of the cool, as it were. He returned his focus to the Knight, looking her in the eye, unflinching even as she closed the gap. His smile had an apologetic tilt to it. Like he knew what he was about to force her into. [color=8C6868]"Nobody is killing anyone, as far as I'm concerned,"[/color] he said, speaking loudly enough for all three of his audience members to hear. [color=8C6868]"I've got nothing on me worth killing over, save a difference of opinion with you, Ma'am. The only crimes me and mine are guilty of are acts performed under the direction of your Crown. So if that's all, I'll be on my way."[/color] He moved to sidestep past her, and then began walking. His pace was not rushed, but there was little that stood a decent chance of pushing back 3500 pounds of metal alloy with a purpose. Except maybe teleporters. Or shielders. Heavy explosive gifts. A lot of things, when Orion paused too long to think about it, and a lot more than a lot when he stopped to ponder those. His own spine, too, if he had a spasm. [i][color=8C6868]But confidence. Half the fight is in the flare. Like a snake with 'fuck off' coloring down its back.[/color][/i] He rolled his shoulders so that his back cracked with a muffled metallic creak, like the bones of a skyscraper shifting in high winds. [color=8C6868]"I'd save the ammo, though. I hear it goes for more than gold out here."[/color]