[@Rhiannon] hows this? I made a few changes and made additions [hider=Edited character] [b]Name[/b]: Katarina Elza [b]Alias[/b]: Kat / Kitten [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Species[/b]: Oni [hider=Appearance] [img]https://image.prntscr.com/image/vYuyFbFGRmCCNLyjiQiVWQ.png[/img] [/hider] [b]In-Depth Appearance[/b]: Like most of her species Kat is quite the big girl, coming in at a whopping six feet tall and two hundred pounds of pure muscle she is a well built young woman. Her usual attire consists of baggy pants, crop tops or her signature star jacket, she doesn’t wear a lot of jewelry other than the solid gold ‘#1’ chain that she keeps hung around her neck at nearly all times even while sleep accompanied by a pair of aviator shades she seems to wear every day. The star tattoos on her wrists aren’t the only places where she has ink, her back has a large star outline with the words ‘Queen Oni’ along with her upper thighs have smaller stars placed upon them. Kitten sports a ball tongue piercing placed on the center of her tongue that she can interchange with other balls and different metals. [b]Brief Personality[/b]: Kat loved to drink and eat constantly having the metabolism to devour someone out of house and home and not gain much fat from it. She’ll drink far more than liquor than one would consider unhealthy and continue to drain bottles until she passes out and wakes up with no reproductions. She’s very competitive both physical and mental challenges where she can prove she can be better than someone else. At her core Katarina has a lot of moxie to the point of it being completely obnoxious and overbearing to deal with, she won’t back down from anyone or anything going far above acceptable healthy lengths to get better than someone to prove herself. A very blunt individual and incapable of keeping secrets she’ll let anyone know where they stand with her and speak her mind always. [b]Brief description of the Oni[/b]: An Oni varies greatly depending on whose explaining it from devils, ogres, and trolls to gigantic titans is hard to get a grip on what a real Oni. Humanoid for the most part some like Kat even passing completely if it weren’t for her titanic strength and supernatural healing accompanied with her near infinite digestive system. [b]Familiar Name[/b]: Lili [b]Familiar Form[/b]: Large white wolf [/hider]