“It is,” Aleksander replied with a nod and an apologetic look her way. “We’re kind of important to trade in the underlying regions, ever since—“ Ever since the fall of her kingdom. Alek shifted his weight uncomfortably before taking Caitriona to the nearest room with a place to sit, a great conference hall, its space taken up almost entirely by a long oak table, framed by several chairs. Carefully, the prince set Caitriona down on one of the chairs before straightening and looking around awkwardly, swinging his arms in a nervous gesture. “We should probably talk about your parents before long,” he said, avoiding her gaze. “Their fate, and—“ He cut himself off as a servant woman, in the white-and-brown uniform dress of her station, slipped into the room, Alek’s expression a brief reflection of relief before he smiled and moved to embrace the slender woman. She embraced him back warmly, a touch of grey in her bound brown hair, laugh lines framing her blue eyes as she smiled. That kindness only faltered a little as Alek gestured towards Caitriona, turning the woman’s attention to the mysterious girl. “This is Princess Caitriona,” he said, pride in his voice despite the blonde girl’s disheveled appearance. The woman responded with an appraising look. “I see.” “Princess, this is Gilda. She’s the head servant here in this castle. She’s been around since I was a tiny boy. She’ll take care of you.” “It’ll be my pleasure,” Gilda said, her smile forced but not unkind. She approached Cait and bowed courteously. “Pleased to meet your acquaintance. Now…” She glanced to Alek for help. “Where is she…?” “Her foot,” he said quickly. “Ah.” Gilda turned her attention back to Caitriona. “If you’ll just let me examine your foot. I normally take over such things before the physician gets here.” She dropped to one knee and waited politely for Caitriona’s signal.