Gonna get really critical* about myself so this is a more personal bitching towards me for how I've been with roleplaying lately. Since I fell out of the loop with my one friend weeks ago,I've noticed the...problems I've had getting back into the hobby. I really want to do more stories with others,to expand on my setting and to have fun,but it seems every time I do I run into something I find unsatisfying or just can't stand and it drives me away for a few days. The only thing I can say is making me do this is because I've become so accustomed to my one friend,how we roleplayed and thought was the same,that everything else seems unappealing compared. The standards I have are set at a bar that essentially makes for very few to actually get past the first few posts and it sickens me how complacent I've been,not striving to improve on anything that I don't think I could even get into the advanced section. I love this hobby,I do. I've always enjoyed writing stories,especially with others,but with how narrow a field I've made for potential roleplayers and how I've essentially stopped striving to improve myself I've effectively made this hobby stagnant for me and it really sickens me. *Not critical,but...meh.