[hider=Tilean Courtesan] [b]Character Name:[/b] Camilla de la Trantio [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Career/Class:[/b] Courtesan/Duelist [b]Physical Description:[/b] Camilla is a medium sized woman around 5'5. She possess the slightly bronzed skin, angular features and dark hair common among Tileans. She has the smooth clean lines of a classical statue and the lean musculature of a dancer. Every part of her seems artfully contrived, as though she stepped from the canvas of a master painter. Camilla moves with deliberate grace which is appropriate to her profession. [b]Mental Description/Personality:[/b] Camilla is a fiery impetuous young woman. As a child she was selected from among orphan's for her physical beauty and raised to fill the role of Courtesan in the decadent courts of her native Tilea. Among her studies were poetry, dance, repartee, song, politics, literature, art and sword play. Camilla is out of place in rough and dangerous situations, and although naturally adventurous and curious about the world she is no heroine. She has a fiery temper and has a tendency to act rather than to wait if given the chance. While technically trained with the sword, Camilla's education is that of the stylized art of the sword rather than the rough and brutal style of real combat, while she is perfectly comfortable fighting a duel to the tough for the entertainment of a crowd, she had little experience with real killing. Camilla has a passing devotion to Randald and Shyalla, although she tends to focus on the world in front of her rather than the world beyond. [/hider]