[quote=@Inkarnate] Considering they are scientific terms, I highly doubt they exist simply to demonize things. Science is centered around objectivity -- facts, studies, figures; not emotions. [/quote] Probably. Still the questions of "why does this word exist" remain in my mind. https://psychobabbleonewordatatime.wordpress.com/2012/07/10/four-new-words-teliophiles-ephebophilia-hebephilia-and-pedophilia/ Oh found something that actually this answers my question... "Most everybody reading this wants to be considered a teleiophile or an adult with a sexual preference for adults. That said, a majority of male teliophiles demonstrate clear and consistent arousal at the sight of 16 year old girls. However, teleophiles do not approach 16 yo girls to engage in sexual activity. This common male attraction to pubescent girls reportedly never moves beyond sexual fantasies and pornography found on the Internet. To date, nobody has decided to declare that sexual attraction without acting out the attraction with a pubescent girl is abnormal. It is considered “statistically normal”. So for now if you like 16 year old girls you are not considered disturbed. Go figure…. Ephebophilia is the term used to identify an adult inclination to be attracted to and pursue teens between the ages of 14 and 18. Ephebophiles are relatively common amongst sexual predators. Hebephilia refers to a primary or exclusive attraction to and willingness to pursue children in the early years of puberty. It is important to note that the onset of puberty for girls typically occurs between ages 10 to 14 while boys hit puberty between 11 -14 years. So hebephilia differs from ephebophilia because the latter prefer older adolescents and hebephiles prefer young adolescents." Yeah...a rose by any other name is still considered moral repugnance and a crime. :I