Ceria took a quick step backward as her head craned up and up and up. "Wow," she mouthed inaudibly, taking in the incredible vaulted ceiling done in a Gothic architecture - though Ceria didn't particularly care or know about architecture, she had a couple bits of random "useless knowledge" from her far traveled adventures. As she stepped back, she felt someone touch her arm. [color=39b54a][b]"Daisy I swear to any gods above, if you don't stop touching me...!" [/b][/color]she hissed in a whisper, whirling on the assailant. Ceria blinked when she realized it was just the half-elf and her expression softened considerably. [b][color=39b54a]"Oh sorry,"[/color][/b] she muttered, blushing crimson and momentarily looking down. After shaking her head clear once more, she followed Araerys's gaze up toward the altar. Ceria ducked and skittered over behind one of the rearmost pews, to the right of the main aisle. She peeked over the top, looking very much like part ninja or a short curious kiddo....if said kiddo had a near-perfectly formed, graceful nose and a lethal bow strapped to their back. Yes, ninja was definitely the better way to describe her current state.