[hr][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/ouDDLue.png[/IMG][hr] One by one, the other Huntsmen joined the fray, swinging blades and firing weapons at their foe. He was relieved - this Grimm was a bit bigger than he'd initially thought and making himself the distraction gave the others the opportunity they needed right off the bat. The first attacker was a new face, but based on her equipment and battlecry, she was certainly one of the Atlas folks. The destruction caused by the Great War was still fresh in everybody's mind, and even still Voyd felt a twinge of disgust at the girl's appearance. Of course, he'd been told that Atlas would be sending its own students, but he was rather hoping to find Lorral or the students from Vacuo first. The beast whipped around, attacking each student in turn as it was struck by them. Voyd furrowed his brow - it was impulsive, lacked strategy and forethought and for now it deemed them all equal threats, so it didn't know which to focus on the most. It looked like everybody was here on time, he noticed, as Lorral joined the fray and a couple of his new comrades took turns in the assault. The long-haired guy was the last to move in. Now that it had received its flurry of surprise attacks and distractions, it would likely regroup and start focusing its efforts more accurately once it recovered. As Lorral landed nearby, Voyd looked over at her, [color=8904B1]"Glad to see you made it. We're off to a safe start, aren't we?"[/color] He asked with a chuckle, watching as the Grimm's attention was directed at the man with long hair. This was his chance - the creature turned its back on him. He lowered himself toward the ground and kicked into a sprint, readying his blades on the approach. He couldn't rely on his Semblance this early in the fight and it would prove dangerous to his comrades if he used it as a trap instead of a close-quarters supplement. As he approached its legs, both of his blades came around. In a spin, his first blade aimed to leave a gash on one leg while the second arrived a step later to aim for the second before Voyd came out from behind the Grimm. Giving that other guy another chance to attack along with Lorral a chance to regroup would be fine - he could block. Plus, the guns from the others would certainly help hammer it down, Voyd couldn't help from anywhere but up close anyway so this was where he felt most comfortable. [color=8904B1]"Good to see I wasn't the only one who wanted a fight!"[/color] He called out, both to his new partners and the Grimm before him. He ducked under the swing of a massive paw, gritting his teeth as a second attack from the tail came from behind when he wasn't expecting it. At the last moment, Voyd was able to pull his sword up and block a part of the attack from causing too much damage as it pushed him along the rocky ground and caused him to tumble a few feet. After ea bounce or two, the young man rolled over his shoulder and rose to his feet. A bit of mud soaked his clothes and cheek mixed with the rain, causing it to run gradually. His hair was matted to his forehead. Steam filled the air as the rain fell on the behemoth's flaming arm-blade. He rotated his shoulders a few times, [color=8904B1]"Ugh... Well, that was exciting."[/color] He muttered, rolling his neck. At least it hadn't directly hit him, that would have left him significantly worse for wear. Voyd stepped forward again - he wasn't done. He rushed in, bringing his left blade up before the beast swung, leaving a soft shimmer in the air before turning and swinging both swords to his right to bat away the second swing. The creature cried out, but didn't seem too hindered beyond the stop of its attacks. If the others wanted a chance to take it down, it didn't seem like they could do it with quick, isolated attacks. [color=8904B1]The guy with the hair is right! All at once, the more it takes at once, the more it'll hurt. I don't think we can do this little by little!"[/color] He called out, narrowly avoiding a strike from the flaming blade - good god, how the hell did this thing even mutate something like that?!