[@BurningCold][@POOHEAD189][@FernStone][@The Muse of Eru][@Hannibal][@Viciousmarrow] Here she finally is! Hope I didn't make you all wait too long. The OOC isn't completely finished in terms of places and whatnot, but I thought that'd be more interesting to fill out during the course of the roleplay. If you're wanting a character from a place that I haven't written much about in the OP, just shoot me a message and we can work something out together. If you're wanting to name a few of the unnamed colonies and have a suggestion, we're more than open to them. :) [@Lucian][@Kessir Tarkin][@Archangel89][@Verse Zero][@Wraithblade6][@Oddsbod][@BingTheWing] Didn't get any word on whether you guys were still wanting to carry this on, so I thought I'd tag you anyway, just in case.