[center][h1][color=f26522]Clarice Rosefort[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/0e22659fe04b92f41236fb1da8a15470/tumblr_mr4d05sG7t1ryrxwno3_250.gif[/img] Location: Wraith cruiser.[/center] [hr][hr] [color=f26522]“If it's a prisoner, we might as well save them. They could provide useful information about where this ship has been when they got caught.”[/color] Clarice agreed, starting to slowly navigate across the ship, keeping her rifle aimed and the life detector in view by the barrel. She was trained soldier so she was going to use every edge she's got. In fact she almost wished those techs that existed in those computer games were real, like radars that just appear on the corner of your vision, how much that would safe her... Sadly this was real life and those were not around. Maybe with what they learn from Atlantis, they could build something like that. It's not like they lacked the vague reach of the technology to build them, but the fact was that they probably wouldn't be able to interface the life detectors with any of their displays anytime soon. Still the idea of a eye lenses with scanner function was so tempting. [color=f26522] “Too dangerous for the moment. We don't know if it won't set off some kind of alarm or defense system, we will try on the way back...”[/color] She replied, leading the way. The thought of having schematics for future missions was great, but maybe on their way back when they had secured the person this life sign belonged to... if it wasn't a wraith that is. The detector didn't show species so it was anyone's guess. [color=f26522]“We are getting close.”[/color] Clarice stated and looked at the detector. They were by a door that was firmly shut.[color=f26522]” Where was it...”[/color] She mumbled, looking for the control panel before finding it. As expected it was organic as everything on these damned ships.[color=f26522] “Well...”[/color] She said and pulled a knife stabbing it hard into the control panel a few times before it opened. Entering with her gun first they found themselves in a lab of some kind... or was a surgical room? Didn't matter much right at this moment, what was of importance was the human who was tied in this device the wraith used to keep people they fed on. If they freed her, it was possible it would set the alarm, so they needed information first. [color=f26522]“Hey, can you hear me?”[/color] Claice called a few times, before softly slapping the woman a few times to wake her up faster and then quickly put a hand on her mouth in case the other screamed or tried something like biting in panic.[color=f26522]” Hear me... if you want to escape this place nod twice and I will remove my hand... Any screaming may cause an alarm or something so unless you want to be left here, you'd better not scream.”[/color]