Cassandra couldn't help let a smirk briefly slip. "Fancy maneuvers? Heh." the Thrusters on the Serpent firing up and quickly got them to a full burn before launching the Serpent as Sakuya's Flauros. She got, what she would have guessed was a quarter of the way there she popped both shoulder missile pods open, and fired off 3 from each side, the followed that up with one larger missile from each leg. These traveled a little was before bursting open and spewing out a total of 36 between the two, giving Sakuya a total of 39 missile to deal with, all while the Serpent it self was still 'chasing' it's own missiles. Shields up and at an angle to increase the deflection chance of the Flauros ballistic weapons, and I-Flieds active, as she highly doubted Sakuya didn't sneak a beam weapon or two onto the Flauros to throw people off.