[@Moonlit Sonata] I'm fine with most of the changes you listed. Concerning "Three Personal Skills", I wanted to ask if it was possible to use Espionage as a 4th, considering it works as a replacement for Presence Concealment. I understand that not being categorized as a Class Skill carries its own consequences and benefits, but it fit thematically pretty well, and significantly moreso than Presence Concealment. Charisma and Alchoholic Fruit were pretty much a given I feel, and Sisterly Bonds was just an interesting way I came up with on how to mitigate the lack of mental defense that the NP provides. Also, considering the character is based around the relationships that she has with others, I figured it would be more interesting if the bonds that she does form can't be intervened by supernatural or magical means (within reasonable extent obviously, it's still a pretty low-tier Servant). Alchoholic Fruit - C+ To decieve a man, it's simpler to do so when their critical thinking has been lowered. The reasoning behind using alcohol as a tool is one that has appeared in multiple legends. However, Philotis application of the Skill has been lowered due to the dependance on others to accomplish tasks involving it. When the skill is used in the presence of one that Philotis has formed a 'Sisterly Bond' with, the Skill modifier is increased. Would this work as a fix? Also, concerning the "extreme harm" part, I already knew it was pretty vague, so I should probably have opened with asking if you could help with the limitations concerning that. The concept behind the character is pretty clear, as she's essentially a "torchbearer" meant for conflict that's had preperation handled in beforehand, but when it comes to the actual terms and such I'd say I'm not too competent when it comes to that.