[color=8dc73f][center][h1]Freyr[/h1][/center][/color] "[color=2e3192]Hey don't worry about it. If I didn't get people to ogle at me, I'd be a terrible Siren.[/color]" The girl said. A siren... That explained a lot of things. He had never seen one himself, but he heard tales about those beings. If he said that he wasn't surprised, he would be lying. Her charm was truly intoxicating. Maybe the stories about sirens As they walked, Freyr heard Bast talking with the siren, and Ryla explaining to her how the guild was formed. He had never thought about it before, but who exactly was that Bartholomew guy? The members he gathered were very... very different. Both on species and personalities. And yet, that man was able to gather them all. Why...? Freyr spent most of the time lost in his own thoughts. Bast was speaking with the siren, Haley, as she said a while ago, Ryla was also talking with the siren. The only one that was quiet was him. "[color=2e3192]Well, you've got business on hand so maybe we can do that later. Come on, I'll take you to Rachelle Gardner.[/color]" Haley said, catching his attention. [color=8dc73f]"Haley, when the mission is over, I would enjoy talking with you. I heard some stories about Sirens, but I've never saw one myself. I am very curious about you."[/color] He said, smiling awkwardly. He was rather embarrassed, but he had never saw a siren face to face, so it was only natural for him being curious. A few minutes later, Haley pointed to a gloomy woman wearing some expensive looking clothes, saying that she was Rochelle, the very woman they were sent there to help. She had a noble aura to her, but on her face, Freyr could see only sadness. He never had a loved one, so he couldn't know exactly how she was feeling, but her extreme sadness was evident. [color=8dc73f]"She must really love her husband..."[/color] he said, looking to the woman. [hr] [hr] [color=C6DEFF][center][h1]Bast Ragoczy[/h1][/center][/color] "[color=2e3192]Name's Haley, mister. Haley Wellington.[/color]" the siren girl said, answering him. [color=C6DEFF]"Haley... A beautiful name, miss. I'm glad to meet someone so willing to help a group of weird strangers."[/color] He said, taking off his hat to her. Bast didn't say that only to sound polite. He was indeed surprised that someone gave them directions so promptly. After all, they weren't exactly the most normal group. A half ogre, a Viera and a gentleman... He thought that he would have to use his charm more, but Haley's willingness to help surprised him. "[color=2e3192]That's Rachel. I'd bet my feathers her husband was taken by some monster in that forest.[/color]" The Siren said. "[color=2e3192]But she isn't giving up so you get the lucky role of getting paid for saying the obvious.[/color]" [color=C6DEFF]"Losing a loved one can be a very hard to one's emotions."[/color] Bast said, looking to the woman. She was a fine lady, wearing beautiful noble clothes, but her sadness was evident even from a distance. [color=C6DEFF]"Let me try to talk to her, ok? I believe a delicate approach will have a better result."[/color] he said, looking to the group. He knew a lot of things. Losing someone dear to him was unfortunately, something he also knew. But that was only one story amongst a million other stories that made him the mysterious man he was today. [color=C6DEFF]"Miss Rochele, do you have one moment?"[/color] he asked with a gentle voice, taking off his hat in a polite greeting. [color=C6DEFF]"Losing a loved one is a very painful experience, but you must be strong for him, ok?"[/color] he said, gently touching her hands, with kind eyes. [color=C6DEFF]"We came here to aid you. We are from the guild."[/color] he said, once more, pointing to the rest of the group. [color=C6DEFF]"I promise you we will give you an answer about your husband's whereabouts."[/color] He said, offering his hand for her to stand up. [@Lucius Cypher] [@PaulHaynek]