As night fell nearly a hundred robed figures moved single file down into the ruin that was once Malthael's temple. These robed figures ranged from common folk to knights and nobles, all having heard the tales of the return of the gods and all here flocking to Lana in an effort to appease Malthael so that he would spare them from the coming fire. The temple was embedded in the earth, made of a mixture of grey stone and massive chunks of obsidian, the entrance marked by two massive obsidian statues of Malthael himself. One would think this would draw attention from the holy knights from the nearby capital city, but enough nobles and ladys of high birth came to the temple that the king could not muster enough of a force to fight the host of a god. [i]" The first to return and the last to fall, Lord Malthael will deliver us from the coming fire and bring vengeance upon our enemies in the name of those who have been wronged, his host is his prophet and we are his tools... " [/i]The would-be priest continued his rant, it always began the same way, revering Malthael as some sort of savior, though Lana knew the truth, that Malthael had a personal stake in the coming battle and that saving the mortal realm was just a step along the road to his own vengeance. [i]" Let all who have been wronged step forward now and make their sacrifices, so that Malthael may know who is worthy of the prophet's attention. "[/i]It came to THAT point now, where spoiled nobles and poverty ridden common-folk would would spill a few drops of their own blood upon a marble alter in an effort to find an easy solution to their petty problems, whether it be family issues, or wishing the death of the king for the rise in taxes. Malthael found all of the requests funny, none were serious enough to warrant risking his only host. Lana stood at the head of this gathering, watching over the crowd of almost a hundred people. Some avoided eye contact but a few looked to her with begging eyes, hoping and praying against all odds that this young woman and people like her could actually stop a threat that caused mortal men to go mad upon seeing it. Lana sighed, she wore a rather fine set of black robes that hid her body from the neck down, she left the hood down as she surveyed the crowd, today seemed different and Malthael seemed to agree, something was going to happen sooner rather than later.