[center][h3][b][color=00C5CD]E[/color][color=00898F]lise[/color] [color=00C5CD]H[/color][color=00898F]artell[/color] & [color=ff6699]S[/color][color=FFA3C1]carlett[/color][/b][/h3] [sub][@CoyoteLovely][@Silvan Haven][/sub][/center] Elise blinked at the woman's very abrupt response, glancing towards Fionn as he responded, setting the plate down as she finished. There was a reason why she followed the man - he seemed usually more adapt at understanding people than she ever was - or at least better equipped to hold a more friendly conversation and make people feel a bit better about themselves. At least that's what she always thought and he did not disappoint in this case either, easily replying to Nak as if nothing was wrong what so ever, offering her that warm smile she had grown used to herself. All she could do is sigh softly and nod in positive reassurance. [b][color=00C5CD]"Silence is more valuable than most think.."[/color][/b] It was really all she could think to say. [b][color=ff6699]"It's okay!"[/color][/b] Scarlett interjected in a cheerful, comforting tone, perking up. [b][color=ff6699]"You're safe with us.."[/color][/b] she said in a softer tone, almost alluding that she somehow understand the weight Nak carried. [b][color=ff6699]"I'll just protect [i]you[/i] instead!"[/color][/b] The redhead seemed to beam, though it was a soft sort of expression, almost like she truly believed it would all be okay. Elise's gaze snapped to the Scarlett. [b][color=00C5CD]"W-what? N-no..! You can't do that! You don't even know how to swing a knife!"[/color][/b] The worry was clearly painted across her face now, her expression going slightly white at the idea. [b][color=ff6699]"Huh?..."[/color][/b] Tilting her head, the oblivious woman looked over to the bladeswoman. [b][color=ff6699]".. well.. so? I can do something!"[/color][/b] she reassured Elise, seeming fully confident in her non-existent abilities. [b][color=00C5CD]"I'm not... I'm not letting you do that.. ugh.."[/color][/b] Elise rubbed the bridge of her nose, sighing with frustration. [i][color=00C5CD]'How can someone seem so wise and inspiring one moment and then seem completely crazy the next!? She's going to get herself killed one of these days..'[/color][/i] she thought to herself.