[b]Lenier[/b] Lenier noted the new arrival out of the corner of his eye, guessing that she was someone like him from how fast she was moving and her presence here in the first place. Either that or she was related to someone who needed to be rescued, but her words quickly ruled that out. Instead she seemed to wonder about the others, which he could understand. It earned a shrug on his part as he finished off the apple, tossing the core away. "Only me so far. Dunno if anyone else is coming," he replied nonchalantly. Whether others did or did not show up wasn't his concern. He was sure that he could manage it on his own, or with her to help out as well. [i]And be the hero[/i] He shook the whisper out of his head as others approached, creating quite the eclectic group. Which was fitting he supposed, given that they were all eclectic by the very nature of their existence. But with every person that showed up their chances of success skyrocketed, to the point where one had to wonder if they even needed this many. Surely this was overkill for a mission like this, right? But what did he knew. "I'm Lenier," he said then, identifying himself for the others. "Ready to head out whenever if we think no one else is going to show up. But it might not hurt to wait." At this point there was nothing wrong with adding some extra security if more people were indeed going to show up. Those scavengers could make it a couple extra minutes, if he had to guess.