Amy Desire, Because Father's Day is Overrated ...Grabbing Lauren's ass to show Ben how it was done would have to wait, unfortunately, for a more opportune time. Preferably one once all the parents had left. Come to think of it, maybe some training was in order... On the other hand, maybe she should let him maintain his purity. Half the fun was seeing Lauren run circles around him with this. She was hanging back, a little, at the entrance to the dormitory. She'd let Lauren and Ben get jumped by the other of the elder Negasi's, since they were the tankier members of the team, then swoop in and regain the advantage--Wait, why was she approaching this like a combat scenario? Surely he wasn't that bad... Right? Riiiight? ...The silence in her head was deafening. She leaned against the doorframe in an easy stance, forcing herself to relax, making sure to move over enough to the side that Costa and Sangue could still get by her. The one thing she [i]wasn't[/i] going to do was check where she knew Lauren kept her stuff, since that would tip her father off if he didn't know where it was already. At any rate, hopefully the attack vector [i]wouldn't[/i] be through the door. That'd take out an innocent bystander or 6, given the people in the hallway. This did offer a promising escape for her though, considering she'd eaten all the candy Lauren had mentioned earlier.