Zavist had managed to make it into the room before he sputtered. He looked at brenna and swallowed the rest of the laughter which left a small smile. [color=lightgreen]"I'm sorry"[/color] He inhaled and composed himself. He had never shown so much was like these two made him show a different side of himself. Zavist blinked when he felt Gracie tugging on him. He crouched to be at her level. He looked up as brenna spoke. Before he could speak Gracie took his attention back to her as she signed. He blinked and listened as brenna spoke and silently watched her explain the names. Zavist paused letting all that absorb in. He lightly did thebsign for thank you before giving her a quick hug. Once she was released he looked between the two. [color=lightgreen]"I will do my best for the both of you."[/color] He was extremely tired at this point, but he felt a lot better then he had in awhile. He lightly stood before taking Gracie to the bed then laying down on the cot. What interesting turns this day had taken.