[color=0054a6][u][b]Don Salvatore Borgio[/b][/u][/color] Don Borgio examined the vast extravagant spread before him on the table. Every dish and wine the Ultra Luxe had to offer was laid out before him, thousands of caps worth of fine dining. The smell was simply delectable. The Don rubbed his hands together excitedly, "Grazie!" The fat old Don told the White Glove waiter, and he offered a large bag of caps to him as a tip. Which the waiter graciously accepted with wide eyes. After which the Don immediately began digging into the food. He sampled each of the dishes slowly and with a discerning pallet. Likewise, he sipped on a glass for each of the various wines, deciding that he liked a particularly well aged vintage red wine imported from Southern California the best. He paid no attention to the remaining delegates around him, and simply ate in peace. His two bodyguards standing behind him quietly watching for any suspicious activity. It was unlikely that any of the Don's enemies would travel so far as New Vegas to enact some kind of vengeance upon him, but then again there was bad blood with the other families brewing, and you could never be too careful. After a time, the Don pushed aside the final plate, gave a satisfied sigh, and lit up a cigar with a flick of a match. He sat puffing on the cigar and digesting his food for a few minutes before he pulled aside one of the waiters, "There's a large amount of food left here. I simply could not eat it all obviously, no do I wish to. I don't believe in letting anything go to waste however. I'd like you to wrap the remainder up and take it out to a those poor wretches outside the gates of the Strip. Freeside is it? Distribute it to the first people you find. Make sure they know it's a gift from Don Borgio. I trust you'll do this for me keeping in mind how many caps I just spent at your fine establishment." The waiter nodded profusely and the Don sat up, slowly, from his chair and began walking out of the Gourmand and towards the Ultra Luxe suits. After his massive meal, he intended to get some shuteye before the next day. His regret at missing much of the first day of this great convention was tempered by the hope of another great opportunity in the second day. "I imagine these Vegas people know how to run a proper hotel," He said offhand to one of his bodyguards, "Lets hope they have complimentary breakfast..." [color=0054a6][u][b]Antony Borgio[/b][/u][/color] The Securitron's screen fell blank again for a handful of seconds, and then its persona returned.[i] "Yes. You will be able to meet with him. Request transmission via terminal and he shall decide if he has the time or motive to meet with you."[/i] "Hmmm...request transmission via terminal..." Antony muttered thoughtfully, "Well I was hoping for a more personal face to face meeting. Oh who am I kidding. What reason would House even care about me or my family eh? I suppose I shouldn't press the matter. Come to think of it, does House have a Vice President of some sort? Who was the VP of RobCo back in the day....hmmmm..it was a Mr. Milburn right? Thomas Milburn? No, no that's not right..I'm not sure where I pulled that name from to be honest....Bradburton? No, of course not, he was the CEO of Nuka Cola wasn't he...ah oh well. Nevermind. My pre-war history is a bit shaky. I'll glad see tomorrow if Mr. House is available for a some sort of communication. I'd be greatly honored." With that, Thomas let the Securitron behind, and turned back around. He figured he'd walk the strip a bit more before returning to the Ultra Luxe for bed. [color=0054a6][u][b]Lucia Borgio- Tops Casino[/b][/u][/color] Lucia had been having the time of her life for the past several hours. Gambling, drinking, dancing, and meeting people from all walks of life from all over the wasteland. Vegas was a unique sort of city that had become a mixing pot of all sorts of different peoples and nations, and with the Great Summit of nations having been called here, there were even more opportunities to rub shoulders with individuals from the four corners of the continent and perhaps even beyond. And it was here that she found herself seated at a table in the Tops Restaurant hanging on to the arm of an NCR "Brahmin" Baron with a wide-brimmed hat and a rather fancy looking suit that reminded her of a cowboy in some pre-war western. She was surrounded by wealth and power, men and women both, and was absolutely adoring it. "So you come from New York, is that right?" One of the women at their table asked her with an excited look, "What's it like? I've heard so much about the Big Apple from old holotapes. I'd love to go their some day. But...I've heard the east coast is a bad place to be right now." "New York is wonderful, simply wonderful!" Lucia beamed, "Lights everywhere...skyscrapers taller than any building you've ever seen. Most of the city is still in ruins of course, but my father and the families have built up their own little slice of heaven. What they have is nothing compared to the size of Vegas, but...papa has still done well for himself." "I'll say," One of the brahmin barons scoffed, "You've been burning through caps tonight like nothin' I've seen before little lady." Lucia gave a mischievous grin and stirred her drink, "Hmmm[i] maybe[/i] I've spent a little money here or there." "Your father, what sort of business is he in anyway?" The brahmin baron continued. "Oh you know. The odd trading here or there. Liqueur and gambling just like Vegas. That sort of thing." "He makes all that dough off of booze and gambling..." The brahmin baron raised a suspicious eyebrow, "Well shit. I went into the wrong business it seems." "Whats all happening on the east coast anyway?" Another one of the woman said, "I've heard some weird things on some of the news reports back home. Weird cults and religions, creepy science experiments...that sort of thing. I caught glimpse of those Children of Atom people and then there was those...well I don't know what the other ones were but I didn't like how either one of those groups looked. They gave me the chills. You look pretty normal though, so I'm glad there's at least some sane people in the east." "Oh we're not all crazy back east," Lucia laughed, "I don't know a whole lot about those cults myself, but I have heard of a group down south. All I know about them is..." Lucia's words died in her mouth. Her mind became clouded with strange thoughts and she suddenly lost her train of thought completely. What had she been talking about? Had she been talking at all? "Umm...hello?" The woman asked, startled. "Yes?" Lucia replied cheerfully, seemingly oblivious to the conversation. "You...you were talking about the east? The cults and so-on?" "Was I?" Lucia blinked several times, "Oh well...I don't know a whole lot about those cults myself." He eyes fell on a clock on the opposite wall, and she realized how late it was, "Oh! I should probably get going. Papa will be waiting for me. I've had a lovely evening however. I hope to see you all again soon!" With that Lucia stood up from the table and swiftly left the restaurant. Leaving her guests rather bewildered and confused at her sudden departure and strange behavior, but they simply shook their heads and assumed it was just an eccentric quirk of an obviously quite spoiled young lady.