[h1][color=royalblue]Xavier Arkwright[/color][/h1] [h2]Great Scott look at the size of that thing, Eastern Field, Fuyuki City[/h2] Xavier listened closely to what other Masters and guests had to say, trying to decipher as much information as he could about the nature of the predicament that had necessitated that meeting in the first place. There was a young girl among them, called Izumi Airi by one of the guests, who looked no older than sixteen; Her outfit looked sloppy and kind of ragged, her manners were crude, vulgar and unrefined, and all in all she did not behave like a proper mage in the slightest. Normally, a highly conservative magus devoted to the study of his craft like Xavier Arkwright should feel appaled by such improper behaviour and such blatant disrespect for etiquette. Luckily, Xavier was not as prejudiced as most of his kind were, and right now was more interested in what this Airi girl had to say, rather than what her standing in the magus society was. From what little the blue-haired magus could gather, the Holy Grail War was being interfered with by a mysterious third party. That 'Black-Haired Man' as they refered to him as was apparently strong enough to kill a Knight-Class Servant. His true motives, as of this moment, were unknown. The Arkwright heir had hoped that the sparkiling fellow they refered to as Ruler would've been able to clear all the confusion surrounding this mysterious Black-Haired Man. Indeed, the Overseer of the Holy Grail War began to explain the situation to all the masters and servants in greater detail. But then, all of a sudden... [quote][color=fff79a]"Everybody [i]move![/i]"[/color][/quote] Ruler didn't have to yell at them twice; With his keen senses, Xavier had already picked up some kind of disturbance in the air before all Hell had broke loose. He couldn't tell exactly what it was, but it still caused the hairs on the back of his neck to raise up. The young magus hastily used his Wind magecraft to create a small gale of his own. With such short cast time, it wasn't nearly strong enough to be used as a means to harm whatever enemy was approaching, and Xavier knew it, but it was still just barely strong enough to push the lean-figured young adult backwards, out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding a gargantuan mass of stone that came crushing at them with extreme destructive force. [color=royalblue]"Is that thing... a golem? No, that's not logical..."[/color] The blue-haired magus muttered, as he stared up awestruck at the towering monstrosity that had quite literally crashed this party! It had fetures resembling a golem, but its size was infinitely bigger than any pictures of golems Xavier had seen during his arduous studies as a growing magus. It looked more like a fortified structure, a formidable castle, than it did a standard golem. Who could have possibly summoned this? Could this be the work of one of the Holy Grail War's participants, who planned to take out all their competition in one fell swoop? No, that didn't make sense either. Golemancy was a pretty rare type of magecraft in the modern era as it was, but the thought that a regular magus would've been capable of creating a Familiar of such massive scale was simply absurd! Then who controlled this titanic beast? Could this possibly be the work of the 'third party' that everybody had been talking about...? All those thoughts raced in Xavier's highly calculative mind. It was then that the gigantic 'castle' activated a myriad visible forcefields and literal shields to protect its person with. The Arkwright Master's eyes widened. [color=royalblue]"Caster, are you alright...? Whatever this thing is, it's clear that conventional attacks won't work on it while it's in that state! Can your magecraft possibly break through its defenses?"[/color] Xavier shouted at his Servant, while also looking around to see where his Servant actually had ended up after the giant's first attack. At the same time, the sharply-dressed magus removed his glasses and began applying Reinforcement to his own eyes. While his own magecraft would likely be insufficient to deal with this towering golem, it would still be useful to increase his own reflexes through amplifying his eyesight - especially after he had only barely avoided the enemy's first attack earlier... [@ConstantlyComic]