[quote=@Kho] [@IrishAngelQueen] Before venturing to accept or reject your CS, we're going to need a brief summary of your plans for the first few posts/ an idea for a first story arc. This is just to ensure that you've got something in mind and can go right into it rather than feel confused and unsure about what to go about doing (an issue we've had with a number of players who attempted to join). [/quote] Well the first post is gonna be his birth, obviously. And as for the next few posts, I was thinking that he could familiarize himself with the gods, to gain what knowledge he can. Also, to provide input for Teknall and Toun on what the habitats, plants ans creatures should be for the new world. Oh! Hold on! the words for Athanasios's birth have just popped into my head! brb. (i'm sleep deprived and have been up since 8:00 yesterday. Hey, look-it's 5:49. Phht. I'll take a nap later in the day. Also, I'll pm you with what I have of Athanansios's birth and see if you like it and/or want to add anything.