Okay here's the group submission for the Cult of Lycholme, it has the minimum 5 members needed and I hope I haven't missed anything else. [hider=Cult of Lycholme] [h3][center][b]Faction Sheet for The Lycholme Cultists[/b][/center][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] The Lycholme Cultists [b]Graphic:[/b] [hider=The Dark Mark] [img] http://i707.photobucket.com/albums/ww79/yvm_123/Symbols%20for%20re-maked%20photos/Symbol_4_by_Lady__darkness.jpg [/img] [/hider] [b]Motto:[/b] Do not pity the dead. Pity the living, for they are the ones that must face what is to come. [b]Leader:[/b] Vaulthuz Bonemelder,Arch-necromancer of the cult. He has complete control of the cult but will entrust those who have proven their worth to rule in his place whenever he is not present. New cultists require an audience with him to be accepted to he may personally assess their abilities and ambitions. [b]Description:[/b] Fanatics and power hungry mages is the best way to describe the Cult of Lycholme. Those who are willing to give anything for power or have nothing left to lose are the types the cult attracts. The rest are monsters brought to life by the spell casters to serve them. Any who are not useful to the cult or will not bow are seen as enemies. [b]Goals:[/b] The Cult of Lycholme wishes to build, and then use, a vast undead army to of conquer worlds from sheer numbers alone to expand their influence and power. Personal reasons may vary but the pursuit of power is the general goal of the Cult. [b]Unique Abilities:[/b] Members of the cult are taught the ability to summon a pair of phantoms capable of spying,scouting and as distractions. These phantoms are relatively fast and able to become invisible at will but are incapable of harming enemies. Each cultist can only control two phantoms at a time [b]Territories:[/b] [list][*] [b]Critical Point:[/b] Lycholme- Vaulthuz' home planet and location of his Soul Anchor. It is currently an undead wasteland full of empty cities and roaming groups of undead lycans. Losing this planet would result in the loss of the armies main staging area and the likely destruction of Vaulthuz' Soul Anchor [*][b]Critical Point:[/b] Necromancy- the ability to raise the dead is central to the cults power and plans. If this ability was somehow lost or nullified the cult's power would be greatly reduced. [*][b]Critical Point:[/b] Watercave, Ecetopia- the location of the only portal connecting Lycholme to any other planet, this location is essential to the cult as it allows cultists access to Lycholme and somewhere to send currently unneeded undead. [/list] [b]Allies:[/b] None currently [b]Enemies:[/b] Technically none currently [b]Members:[/b] [@Pyromaniacwolf]'s Character: Vaulthuz the Bonemelder [@Circ]'s Characters:Valdyrdólg [@JaceBeleren]'s Characters: Kobasratha the Soul Duke [@Sophrus]'s Characters: Gravelord Mortan [@Overlord Thraka]'s Character: Tiaz the Twisted Shaman Cult's Discord Group: https://discord.gg/UNNadwm [/hider]