[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24]World Narrative[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr] [@ONL] - Looking around, Alexander will notice that even though it is winter there are a lot of trees in Ga that are Evergreens, and much much taller than the two story hospital. Even if he went back inside and some how managed to get to the roof it would be of little consequence. The trees would keep him from seeing over the tops. And from the look of things on the ground, that smoke was at least a good two miles off. Thankfully though the snow is melting quickly and while they are still drifts and icy patches, traveling today on foot will be a lot easier than the day before. The sun is already rising and the air is warming up quickly. It could be swim suit weather, if that were still a thing, by high sun. That as the thing about Georgia. It could be snow one minute, blistering hot the next, and a tornado coming through the following. The only thing consistent about Georgia weather was there was only one real season - Hell; between the months of March and November. Outside it doesn't seem like any Walkers are around yet. That's good. No weird noises that you can hear, and even a few birds chirping. There is what Alexander might think of as a rumbling off in the distance but you can't tell what it was from or what direction it started. Just an over all low rumble, as quick as it shows up, it is gone. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=0072bc]Thana[/color] & [color=f26522]Gavin[/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)[/center][hr] Thana could only nod towards Ash. A curt formal nod in understanding of his mouthed [i]Thank you[/i]. The world seemed to crashing down on the bliss that was supposedly Newnan. She had had her doubt that the place was idyllic as it appeared when she arrived the day before. Nowhere was that perfect, even before the outbreak. There were always issues and it seemed those issues were meeting head on right now in a rather horrific way. Three people dead; one by their own doing, one by said persons stupidity not thinking about the consequences of their actions, and another was dead because of revenge. No wonder Ash had kept himself so closed she thought to herself. All of this bubbling and brewing under the guise of happy life. She had to wonder just how far all of this was going to set him back from the progress he had made the night before and this morning until the curtain was lifted. Her eyes glanced over towards Gavin for a split second before looking forward again. And just what was going on there? He had shown her the door. She had thought he cared about her when it ended but since then had chalked it up to wishful thinking and her misreading the look in his eyes. Yet now, there he was. Coming up to her, holding her like he had before, looking at her the same way he had all those years ago. Had it all been real? If that was the case... Her eyes drifted back over to Ash and she watched him for a long moment as if studying him. No, it was just wishful thinking, wasn't it? Gavin however hadn't torn his eyes away from Thana yet, even as Ravi spoke and Miss Sally ordered everyone to breakfast. Gavin just shook his head slightly as he watched Thana and let out a longing breath. [color=f26522]"Naw man, not lettin' her out of me sights untils we can speak. I's gots a lots to say to her. Startin' with how sorries I am,"[/color] he said as he shoved his hands into his jeans pockets and stood his ground. [color=f26522]"Then's I gotta run. I gots somethan' to tend to if ya don'ts recalls. Especially nows. Those motherdicks gonna go down. Nows mores than evers. I's gonna makes sures theys don't hurts no ones agains, ain'ts gonna haves peoples likes that this close to Strawberry Wine I can tell ya's that much,"[/color] he added as the joy slipped from his face and a dark look came over it. It was the same look that he shown up from time to time over the years when he went into that place that made him into the devil's nightmare. It wasn't a place Gavin liked to be but it had its purpose. [color=f26522]"In facts, I thinks me gonna be askin' old Smokey there if he wants to be takin' a field trips with mes,"[/color] he added as he rubbed his chin and for the first time since he had stepped over to Ravi his eyes went from Thana to James. The man was good, getting an axe to the back of someone's skull like that. And from what he had heard, he'd done it for the right reason. Sure it wasn't by the law, but it was justice. Gavin respected that. As Tatiana came over Thana's lips thinned. Ash shouldn't be put in that position. He was their leader, whether they liked it or not. You followed orders. If you had a problem with those orders, you took it to private. Not out in the street to make matters worse. There was a chain of command for a reason. But she had to give the little red head this, she was crafty. Doing it out like this got people backing her. She was more cunning than she let on, Thana could spot that much even if she couldn't read people the way her sister had been able to. Whether or not she agreed that Tatiana should have waited to talk to Ash in private about things, even she agreed with the request. You didn't send a soldier with PTSD out into the world without counseling. It just made matters worse in the long run and with as long as she figured James had been there he could cause a lot of havoc on this place if he did indeed fully snap. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Tatiana Korvo[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/15538670_1799587316995431_8758437261512540160_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQwNzYyMDA2MzI5Njc1NzI0MA%3D%3D.2[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)[/center][hr] Tatiana nearly went off when Ash said what he had to say. Her lips thinning and a look of anger creeping into her features that had yet to grace the town of Newnan. Yet as he continued the look faded and she smiled at him. Reaching out and giving him a big hug as her hopped on one foot in the snow. [color=a187be]"Dah, vork very vell,"[/color] she said, happy with the middle ground. Leaning in a bit though she whispered more. [color=a187be]"But I not take no for ansver vith talkin to vhole tovn one on one. Including you."[/color] Leaning back she gave him a look of a sister warning her brother not to go do anything stupid. She wasn't going to let this part slip by and get swept under a rug. This was a huge jolt to the entire community and she knew it was hitting no one harder than James and Ash. Ash hadn't opened up to her to talk about everything that had gone down before and when she arrived. She had been understanding but now that Sana had killed herself things were going to change. Tatiana was not going to sit by and let people come to her. She was going to get them to open up if she had to tie them down to the couch for sessions. She wasn't losing one more person. Though she had to wonder as she stepped back and glanced around. She spotted Thana watching Ash, studying him almost. Her head turned and she spotted Gavin looking at Thana and then at James. Thana might have been the scared little bird but there was a reason that Froggy had put her in a counselor role in the community. She had a knack for reading people, it was part of her skill set. As was a little used skill of hers, the ability to con people. Two skills people would expect someone like Ryan to have but they were hers and had been for years. It didn't take much for her to learn the counseling methods or psychology. It was why Ash had put her as a Lead. A lot of people in town acted like they knew things they really didn't. Tatiana on the other hand, had the skills. She just down played it most of the time. Nodding to Ash she looked over to Froggy. [color=a187be]"Dah, get foot fixed,"[/color] she said before looking over to Jack and hopping back over to him. Resting her hand on his shoulder. [color=a187be]"You need get dressed,"[/color] she said looking him over before shaking her head a bit and pointing back in the direction of their home. [color=a187be]"Go, Froggy got me,"[/color] she said as Froggy came over and put Tatiana's arm over his shoulder. "Oui, I have little bird. You get dressed before you are locked up with a cold or worse and cannot be around your bride in fear you will make her sick," he said firmly, his eyes drifting to Tatiana's stomach area and back over to Jack with a wink. "Come Tati, I get you fixed up," he said as they turned and started off. [color=a187be]"You viat for me,"[/color] she said in a clear voice as she looked at James before nodding towards Ray at his offer. She wouldn't need help, it seemed like Meg would be needing it. Yet she smiled anyways towards him before continuing on her way. Her and James had to talk. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=fff79a]Ryan O'Reily[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzym45prCj1qcnxvno1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop[/center][hr] Ryan nearly busted out laughing as Ash tore into Meg. Seemed he had already given her orders before she had even arrived but she had chosen to ignore them. Was not a good thing considering what was going down. Instead though he just smirked as he took another puff of his cigarette. Seemed no one was going to take him up on the offer. Their loss. Glancing over between Thana and Gavin Ryan let out a low whistle before turning and starting to head back to his place. He needed to put pants on. Though, he could just strip down and run through town naked. That would be a sight. If anything it would surely take peoples minds off what had just gone down, even if only for a minute. Then he thought about it and decided against it. He wasn't prone to wanting his nethers to get any colder than they already were. [color=fff79a]"I'll be there in a minute, just gonna get dressed Lass,"[/color] he said to Chloe as he passed her and others. Well if anything, Chloe was alright. That was what mattered in the end to the Irishman. Taking his time walking, he enjoyed the cigarette. No use rushing it, nothing was going to happen in town until James was gone anyways. Miss Sally was ordering people off site and over to the Mess Hall. [color=fff79a]"Love the slippers,"[/color] he said with a smirk and gawked as she pulled the cigarette from his lips and took a long pull from it. "Get your bloody arse dressed and over to the Mess Hall," she said as she kept the smoke and kept moving people in the direction of the Mess Hall. Miss Sally looked over towards Ravi and Gavin, stepping over to them. "How about a cup of tea? I have some builders and a box of hobnobs I have been saving." Ryan looked at Miss Sally as if she had gone mad as he watched her toss the half smoked cigarette in the snow. [color=fff79a]"What a fucking waste..."[/color] he muttered under his breath before shoving his hands into his coat pockets and going off towards the Rejects house.