[center][h1][color=686F91]Liam Matthews[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/3aee50b14e08b355098428666d7ea54a/tumblr_o21ik53eDH1sk2fc0o2_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=686F91][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Police Station [color=686F91][b]Interacting With:[/b][/color] Me, Myself and I[/center][hr] Liam had not actually expected that simply pushing his body against the chains would work, however, with enough force and a reasonable effort, he fell face-first onto the floor, groaning softly as he glanced around, back to the wall where he'd been held. [color=686F91][b]"Jesus, i've been working out."[/b][/color] He groaned as he pushed himself to his feet again, moving out through the hole in the wall and into the station proper. He glanced around curiously, taking it all in as he now kept a firm grip on his handgun, keeping both an ear and an eye out for the nerd, who he figured may not be pleased with his escape. Hopefully, at the very least if he was still around, he hadn't heard the chains. Looking at the cops, he raised an eyebrow, it was strange to see them in such a trance, but he'd seen enough movies to realize the trance could end at any time. Carefully, he made his way toward the closest exit and outside, being careful to avoid stepping in the crosshairs of any of the cops' as they stood there, he'd have preferred not to be accidently shot if they suddenly woke up after all. Once he found a door, Liam knew he'd be out of there, his first stop would be the train station, he could call Aloise on the way to let her know he was still alive.