[color=bc8dbf]Andre[/color] 300 - 0 Andre won 300 times straight in rock paper scissors. A mathematical improbability. Of course he picked rock almost every time. Rock always won. Although it helped that he was in control of both players. Sitting cross legged on the floor of his cell, he was mirrored by a shadowy copy of himself. The faceless thing starring back at him. It still had it's arm out in the classic "paper" position. Andre sighed and leaned back, propping himself on one arm. He tilted his head to the side, inspecting the purplish clone. [color=bc8dbf]"You're a good sport you know that?"[/color] He re-fixed his position, and placed a fist over an open palm. The puppet did the same. The two bounced their fists three times then simultaneously pushed them towards each-other. Andre went rock, and the puppet went paper. [color=bc8dbf]"Woah!"[/color] Andre jumped to his feet. Acting excited or surprised. [color=bc8dbf]Oh my god it's got a mind of it's own! It beat my legendary 300 streak! I am beside myself!"[/color] He starred at the thing, with his hands on his cheeks, still feigning shock. [color=bc8dbf]"Get it? Cause you're like another me. Who I literally make you stand beside me?... Never mind."[/color] He waved his hand and the puppet dissipated without alarm. The young man sighed and walked over to the bed, letting himself fall into it. He wondered what was on the docket for the rest of the day. So far it had been really slow, not that he would ever complain. Getting 50 less needled stuck in his ass was a fine way to spend a day, as far as Andre was concerned. It was curious though. Things were quiet. [i]Toooooo[/i] quiet. He sat up, relishing in the use of the cliche. Looking at the door for a moment, then around the room, he saw nothing different. But then the hissing started. At first it honestly scared Andre, he picked is feet back up the floor and curled up on the bed. After some time it drew him closer, curious about the source. Even if this was another trap laid by those punks in lab-coats. After long enough, he heard another noise. This one a tad more conspicuous. The sound of many footsteps, rushing towards a nearby area. The young man panicked, his senses coming into sharper focus. This was real wasn't it? If not, then a test. If it meant he could make their day even a bit harder, he would do his best to fucking crush it. With a slight pang of pressure in his head, he brought back into existence his shadow puppet. This time outside the cell. Something that usually didn't work. They were really going far with this one. Working the lock from the opposite side, Andre hesitated for a half second, then pushed the door open. The footsteps were getting closer, he didn't have time to enjoy the moment. He closes the door behind him and let his doppelganger disappear. Nowhere to hide or to run, except bellow. It was always sort of eerie to live with a glass floor and any measure of a drop under you at all times. He crawled under the railing, and dropped a level lower. It wasn't that long a fall actually, enough that he could land silently, and not get too hurt. It's not like he got any regular exercise, so his thighs burned a bit, but honestly? It was a pretty great feeling at this point. As the guards ran by overhead, he began to sweat. They were coming down the stairs weren't they? Fuck this everything. He bolted, making it around the bend of the hall before anyone could see him. At least he assumed. They would probably have yelled or straight up shot him otherwise...Holy shit he might get shot. Hah! Radical. Running towards nowhere in particular, he found himself heading to hallway G.