[@LordVoldemort][@Solace][@FrostedCaramel][@LetMeDoStuff][@HecateProxy][@Ambra][@Aquanthe][@wolverbells][@QT][@SheriffLlama] Afternoon all. I'm posting this as things, inevitably, get lost in the Discord channel. With wolverbells and QT busy and shortly to be away, I'll temporarily be taking over as GM (I'll be working with Solace, of course). We will be continuing with the cadets' training - there's three years between the start of training and graduation and so far we're six months in; a LOT happens in three years (especially when characters are at this turbulent age) and we won't be rushing to get to graduation/Trost and missing out the important growth that will happen in between. The first step will be moving onto the already discussed bonfire scene (still at the cabins). If there's anything you wanted to get done [i]before[/i] we move on then let me know ASAP. I'm always open to suggestions - PM me though so I can better keep track. Pester me in Discord and I'll get grumpy and stubborn. No one wants that. (Seriously, no one).