[center][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/bTHSWM5.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170624/8edd178aed3fb50bf1ca422e14882d85.png[/img] [hr][hr] [/center] [hider=Tournament Match: Owen Sparks (W) VS. Kidd Neon][indent]A slightly nervous Ian, now ready to go as Owen Sparks, stood behind the curtain. He gave his arms one final stretch before the shredding of the electric guitar in his theme song began. After Sexton’s insightful words from the week prior, Owen stepped out from behind the curtain, microphone in hand, and began to walk down the ramp of Shock ‘n’ Awe. [b][color=DAA520]“Los Angeles, how’s it going?!”[/color][/b] The crowd gave cheers here and there, though none were as big as a proper, well-known wrestler like Caiden or Drayden. Listening to Sexton’s advice, Owen continued. [b][color=DAA520]“You know, I’ve always loved this place. California seems like the place to be, and I’m going to prove that I deserve to be here.”[/color][/b] Owen walked up the steel stairs beside the ring and onto the apron. [b][color=DAA520]“Tonight, I face Kidd Neon.”[/color][/b] He then went in between the middle and top ropes, and stepped into the center of the ring. [b][color=DAA520]“And Kidd Neon doesn’t deserve to be here. I am here to show you that I deserve to be in this championship tournament. I am going to prove-”[/color][/b] [color=1f71dd][b]“And it looks like Kidd Neon doesn’t want to hear any of what Owen has to say. And, really, who can blame him? Two young upstarts are getting a chance to showcase their abilities here.”[/b][/color] The [url=https://youtu.be/7KgJSwX0yy0?t=8]auto-tuned voice of Kidd Neon’s theme song[/url] played over the arena’s loud speakers, interrupting Owen. Kidd Neon stepped out onto the ramp, throwing his hands up in the air as he looked out at the crowd. He made his way to the ring, looking like a psychedelic mess with his glowsticks and reflective strips on his pants, and also hiding the fact that he hated his theme music. Owen turned to face his opponent, shielding his eyes from the bright lights the boy produced. At the ring Kidd Neon approached Owen with a look of contempt on his face, and started speaking into the microphone. Owen held it out for Neon to speak, all the while wearing a nonplussed expression. [b][color=6ecff6]“I don’t belong here? I’ve traveled into higher states of consciousness and communed with the rave spirit that infuses our lifecore, yet you arrive on the scene and will take my place? You’re just like someone starting a rock band in 2017, an upstart with a stupid dream and no future.”[/color][/b] Some boos came out after he took a cheap dig at the crowd’s musical tastes. [color=1f71dd][b]“Questionable music tastes aside, it’s time for Neon to prove his point. Does he belong here? The AWE fans don’t think so, and he’s only got this one shot to prove them wrong. Not even the passionate fans of our company from around the world could question if he belongs here if he won the AWE World Championship.”[/b][/color] [color=#3eb489][b]“Dude, who cares about all that! What is he even ON? The rave spirit? Lifecore? As long as I don’t hear that bass drop again, we’re good.”[/b][/color] Owen couldn’t help but laugh at the verbal attack. [b][color=DAA520]“I’m sorry, I should rephrase that; you don’t belong anywhere near a wrestling ring, Neon. Your flashing lights give me migraines and your taste in music isn’t any better.”[/color][/b] The crowd politely cheered at Owen’s insults, yet he wasn’t done. [b][color=DAA520]“And you think I’ve got a stupid dream, and that I’m going nowhere? Think again. I’m going places, places much higher than you ever have or will.”[/color][/b] And with that, Owen dropped his mic, then battered Kidd Neon with a quick forearm. The crowd lit up at the sight of this, and cheers came from all over. Owen beckoned the referee into the ring, who rid the ring of the microphone, and rang the bell. [color=1f71dd][b]“And just like that, this match is underway! Let’s see what these two have for us tonight!”[/b][/color] [color=#3eb489][b]“Y’know, if Kidd actually drops Owen like he drops the bass, I [i]might[/i] expect more from him. Better bring the fire.”[/b][/color] Owen wasted no time following up the strike with a rather fake looking right hand, then pressed Neon against the ropes and jerked Neon’s arm towards him, irish whipping Neon to the ropes on the other side of the ring. Without slowing down, Owen ran after Neon, and as Neon turned to bounce off of the ropes, Owen’s right elbow had a rough collision with Neon’s jaw. Owen spun anti-clockwise out of the strike, then backed up to the ropes behind him, where he once more began running, using the ropes to propel himself at a right angle towards Kidd Neon. As Owen ran, Kidd Neon wrapped his arm around his upper torso and bent his knees, but then paused for a moment, realising the two had screwed up the timing, before pushing him back to the ropes and sending him bouncing off again. [color=1f71dd][b]“Look at the defense mindset of Kidd Neon, shoving Sparks away just in time. It doesn’t get better than this.”[/b][/color] On the second approach, Neon got his arm in position and this time jumped into the air, taking Owen by his side with him as he completed the moonsault. Both wrestlers flew into the air and landed on the mat with a crash. Neon got up to his feet right after landing, and started mocking Owen as he laid on the mat, getting into his face and shouting at him. [color=#3eb489][b]“Hell to the yeah, ladies and gents. That’s why that mindset pays off. An effortless Energy Flash from the Kidd.”[/b][/color] Without missing a beat, Owen coiled up his legs and as Neon approached he stuck them out, kicking Neon in the stomach. The strike was admittedly a bit stiff, but as they had done many times before, both got into position for their next spot. Kidd Neon backed up into a corner, and Owen ran from the centre of the ring towards him. As Owen got close, he jumped, feet landing on Neon’s waist, and hands clutched his neck. Owen leant back, and as he dropped to the ground and Neon was above him, he kicked his feet up, attempting to monkey flip his opponent. The crowd got riled up for the potential for Owen to gain a quick victory, but those cheers were quickly silenced as Neon, easily flipped out of the hold and to his feet. Kidd Neon dropped down and rolled out of the ring, then standing and turning to the Los Angeles crowd, full of fans from his hometown and held his arms wide open, expecting to hear cheers from seeing one of their own in the big leagues. And the crowd did cheer, but not for the reason the boy expected. Owen, still inside the ring, bounced off of the ropes opposite to Neon and sprinted towards him. Owen dived in between the middle and bottom ropes, launching himself at Neon. The two both fell to the ground, but Owen quickly stood up to the cheers of many. He stuck a finger up in the air and spun it around, indicating “one more time”. [color=1f71dd][b]“Look at the dive from Owen! Crazy athleticism from such a young talent. These two are both kids we’re sure to see around for a long time to come.”[/b][/color] [color=#3eb489][b]“AWE will make them great. Are we staring at our next champion? WE’LL SEE. They got a lot of competition out there, but at least they got spunk. I’ll give them that.”[/b][/color] Owen climbed back into the ring and jumped up to the turnbuckle closest to Neon. He positioned his feet in a way that would allow him to get a nice jump, but almost slipped doing so, having to bend down and hold onto the corner to stay in his precarious position. Neon slowly stood up and turned to face Owen, acting slightly dazed. As soon as he did, Owen leaped off of the turnbuckle, reaching a tremendous height before crashing down with a flying cross body. [color=1f71dd][b]“The height! The young lions are putting it all on the line for the entertainment of this crowd, and it’s awesome. We just might be looking at the next champion, don’t you think?”[/b][/color] [color=#3eb489][b]“They ain’t got manes yet. I’ll wait and see what else they have in store for us.”[/b][/color] The landing was rough, and both wrestlers were definitely going to be bruised for the next week. As the two laid doing in a heap, Owen whispered to Kidd Neon. [b][color=DAA520]“Let’s go into the kicks next. Make sure to sell the dives, though.”[/color][/b] Neither of the competitors were amazing at selling, but they were both smart enough to know that no-selling big outside dives like that was plain stupid. Owen picked his opponent up, and rolled him into the ring, going for a quick cover. The referee got down and began counting. One, two, and a quick shoulder up. As Owen was standing up, Neon rolled forward and threw out his legs, connecting against Owen’s head with the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAXnfNasarY]sole of his foot[/url]. Owen retaliated with a roundhouse kick, which Neon ducked under, but followed up with another kick with his other foot, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smAYRJR7uGc]all in one fluid motion[/url]. Neon shook his head and put one hand on his jaw after that impact, then frowned and ducked low for a sweeping kick that fell short, but he kept moving. Now he bounced up off the mat and turned onto his side, standing on one hand and [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0S3L9gMXEc]hammering Owen straight in the temple[/url] with the tip of his foot. Owen tumbled to the side, but bounced off of the ropes behind him and jumped up, nailing Neon in the chin with a simple dropkick. As Neon was still reeling from the kick, Owen placed his hands beside his head and kicked up from his back, flipping onto his feet, then quickly placed one foot on Neon’s hip, and swung the other towards Neon on the other side of his body, connecting with a solid enziguri. [color=1f71dd][b]“Kick after kick after kick. I didn’t even know there were so many different ways to kick… learn something new every damn day.”[/b][/color] [color=#3eb489][b]“Like a BRUCE LEE MOVIE, WADE! Shi---”[/b][/color] [color=1f71dd][b]“Chill man, chill.”[/b][/color] Kidd Neon tumbled down landing flat on his side, shaking and writhing to sell the impact as he laid on the ground next to the turnbuckle. Owen saw an opportunity and started to pick up speed, holding his arm out like he was ready for an elbow drop. Neon jumped to his feet before Owen reached him, then lept onto the second rope and flung himself into the air. He dove over the head of Owen Sparks and wrapped one arm around his neck, then in one swinging motion brought him down to mat headfirst. After a quick taunt consisting of doing the famous Melbourne Shuffle beside Owen as he lay collapsed on the ground, Kidd Neon helped him up only to send him into the ropes with an irish whip. Neon started running the ropes himself, sliding under Owen’s legs as the first passed each other, then leaping into the air and wrapping his legs around his head as the crossed paths again on the return trip. Both wrestlers spun around as the grip of Neon’s legs held tight around Owen’s neck, then Neon reached his arms over and wrapped up one [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8cDyCcg_BA]Owen’s arms as he released his main grip[/url]. Again Owen’s face smacked the canvas as they hit the ground, and Kidd Neon wrenched the arm back as he returned to his feet. Still gripping the arm, Neon stepped over it with one leg and wrapped it around the other leg as he spun around. He dived over Owen, grabbed hold of his shoulder in the middle of the roll, before landing and pinning him to the mat. With a leg entangling one of Owen’s arms and his arms cradling the other side, Neon had [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkYlNW6_ARU]solid leverage for the pinfall[/url]. The referee knelt down to count the pin, shouting one, two then a sloppy kick out from Owen. The referee had to pull his arm away at the last minute as he almost counted the three. Both wrestlers backed away to opposite corners, taking a moment to rest, prepare for the finish to the match, and allow the crowd to start up a chant. [color=1f71dd][b]“Look at that offense, just unbelievable the way he can maneuver like that. So impressive, are these young wrestlers, full of heart and energy and ready to prove to the world that they’re the best around.”[/b][/color] [b][color=888888] Let’s go Owen! Owen sucks! Let’s go Owen! Owen sucks![/color][/b] [sub][color=#3eb489][b]“Let’s go Owen…. Owen sucks.”[/b][/color][/sub] Owen smiled at the sound of the chants, and laughed when Neon acted offended. [color=DAA520][i]“Wait, he probably is offended. Oops.”[/i][/color] Owen then gave a tiny, inconspicuous nod to Neon, and Neon nodded back, signifying the two were both ready. With that, Owen ran towards Neon, jumping and attempting to clothesline him into the corner. However, Neon ducked and rolled out of the way, making Owen faceplant into the top turnbuckle. Owen turned around so he was facing away from the corner, and Neon repeated Owen’s action, landing with the clothesline. Neon then grabbed Owen by the shoulders, who lifted a knee into Neon’s stomach. Owen then grabbed Neon and spun him around so he was in the corner. Next, he aided Neon in climbing up so he was sitting on the top turnbuckle. Owen took a few steps back before charging forward and stepping up with his left foot on the middle turnbuckle, then jumping up and kicking Neon in the temple with one more enziguri. Owen landed flat on his back but quickly stood back up, catching Neon sideways as he wobbled around and fell of the turnbuckle. From this, Owen walked to the centre of the ring, directly facing the hard camera. Some of the members of the crowd stood up and cheered, knowing this was the beginning of the end. Owen spun Kidd Neon clockwise, letting go of him with his left hand and dropping to one knee, allowing Neon’s back to fall onto that knee for a picture perfect [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCU-zTGPANA]Swinging Backbreaker[/url]. If there was one thing these two were good at, it was selling each other’s finishers. As Neon writhed in pain on the mat, Owen stood in front of and looking away from him, then quickly jumped backwards into a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7x1QYiZ4mM]Standing Corkscrew Moonsault[/url], then remained on top of Neon to the referee’s count of three. [color=#3eb489][b]“Sparks got HOPS!”[/b][/color] Right as the referee slapped the mat for the last part of the count, Neon burst up with one shoulder, just too late to avoid losing. He didn’t clear it with Owen first, but the result was the same, Owen had won. [color=1f71dd][b]“And just like that, Owen has advanced in the tournament! Can he make it all the way? Stay tuned to find out.”[/b][/color] Owen slowly rose up to his feet, then allowed the referee to raise his factor at the victor. Before his theme started up once more, Owen grabbed a microphone from one of the guys standing on the outside of the ring. [b][color=DAA520]“And that, ladies and gentlemen, is proof. I don’t care who’s next, because I am on my way to the top!”[/color] [/b]Neon made a show of making an angry face and staring down Owen, but ultimately said nothing before walking off.[/indent][/hider] [hider=Morgana Promo (Sydney Staredown)] [indent]The crowd was absolutely livid, lively, and loud. Why? Because her theme song started off with her father’s intro with the steady [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lV2HGLt2-E]heartbeat[/url] before the screech of her theme song came into play, causing the audience to have a near heart attack for a second, believing [url=https://imgur.com/ArFsswE]The Faceless[/url] was making an appearance. She did, however, wore his mask and everything that was planned had intention. She [i]wanted[/i] them to remember. The AWE’s history is what brings them back to their seats, here at the STAPLES Center, and any stadium for that matter. Part of the AWE’s history was the beast that was her father. When Morgana was at the center of the ring, she let the crowd’s rage fill her with vigor as she stood there still, crossed arms, like her dad would do. When she was ready, and only when she was ready, she took the mask off slowly, gradually, with care, revealing her pale face. She looked down at it in total silence, listening to the crowd settling down, waiting for her to talk. It was her time to shine. Grabbing the mic away from the referee, Morgana brought it close to her lips and maliciously snickered, [color=a020f0][b]“Fooled ya.”[/b][/color] And strutted around the platform, her ravishing hips moving with every prominent step she took. Her amorous face was what they’ve all been waiting for and so she would let them take her in. [color=a020f0][i]Eat it up, babies.[/i][/color] As she seductively serenaded the masses with her nectar sweet words, she kept a tight grip on her father’s mask, [color=a020f0][b]“How many of you paid attention to our last show? If I remember correctly, I was told by a special someone, I don’t think I need to drop names for you all to know who, that I will never be anything but a mere shadow of my father. ‘What’s it like, little goth’, having to constantly live in the shadows of people that are sooooooo muchhhh better than you?’”[/b][/color] There was undeniable mockery in Morgana’s tone when she quoted Barbie, emphasizing the valley girl that made her cringe on the inside and out. Completely amused, her smile gleaming brightly, she widely grinned, [color=a020f0][b]“Give respect where respect is due. I am here, thanks to my father. If it weren’t for him, how would I have known that I am a true serpent in the still waters of the AWE? I am the fear in their souls. I am hell on Earth. The desire in me is far greater than any ‘doll’ that thinks they’re worthy for more than just a hand clap.”[/b][/color] She softly patted her mic hand with her father’s mask to display her giving a slow and steady clap to the other divas. [color=a020f0][b]“I’m hungry. I want to throw anyone who gets in my way to the hounds. How would I have known how starving I was until I was fed? My fathers gave me a foundation. And I built my own legacy from it. Oh yes! I say [i]fathers[/i].”[/b][/color] She paused and waved the mask in front of her face, with conviction and utmost seriousness with the words that flowed out her lush lips, that felt like venom coursing through their veins. [color=a020f0][b]“Wouldn’t you say Roddy Quinn is daddy too? Not just for me, but for my father, and every star he gives the benefit of the doubt. Every star he FEEDS so that they can get a hunger that is hard to satisfy. That desire that can only be given after you take the bite of the apple from his garden of Eden. Oh!”[/b][/color] Morgana dramatically gasped in surprise, her eyes widening, [color=a020f0][b]“Wait…”[/b][/color] Pause. [color=a020f0][b]“When you think of Barbie what’s the first thing you think of? That she’s pretty in pink? Or that she too is what she calls a [i]shadow[/i] of other people. Mm, especially the shadow of her Dray-dee-poo.”[/b][/color] By now the enchantress was by the rope, leaning on it and scanning the audience with her crystal blue eyes, [color=a020f0][b]“If she were alone, would she have built the kingdom that she wanted? Happily ever afters don’t last forever, especially to those that don’t respect the ones that help her lift her heavy crown. I don’t see a warrior. I don’t see a soul shining with royalty. I don’t see the hunger in her eyes. I see [i]nothing[/i].”[/b][/color] Morgana would be interrupted by another voice suddenly being heard in the arena, and it simply said, [b][color=00802b]“You want to talk about people being nothing?”[/color][/b] The crowd was left confused but the voice. It was not one they recognised immediately, but that was because it was not one used to talking. After a few seconds pause, it added the word; [b][color=00802b]“Partner?”[/color][/b] Now people were starting to catch on. At that moment, Sydney, in baggy green cargo pants, a black zip-up hoodie and her military camo cap with mic in hand, started to make her way down the ramp, met with a loud but mixed reaction. She was cheered for interrupting Morgana, but booed because the crowd remembered her treatment of Tsunami and Rosado last week. She brought the mic back to her face when she was halfway down the ramp. [b][color=00802b]“Last week, I lost a two-on-one handicap match. You might remember it. You were there, watching, posing and running your mouth while REAL wrestlers actually stayed at the ring, and wrestled. Oh no, wait. It was a tag match! And you were my partner! I remember now!"[/color][/b] By this time, she’d got to the ring, and slid under the ropes, getting to her feet. Now they were sharing the ring. [b][color=00802b]"There are more women in this division than Barbie. I don’t care that you were the Champion a hundred days ago. I care that last week, you were supposed to have my back, and you didn’t, and I’m not the kind of woman you want to do that to. I might take it personally.”[/color][/b] There was [i]always[/i] someone who wanted to take her limelight. Yawning widely, Morgana turned her body to face Sydney, who finally was using her voice for once. Wasn’t that absolutely delightful? [color=a020f0][b]“Then take it personally. At least then you’d be someone worth remembering.”[/b][/color] Her lip pulled up in that wicked, devilish smirk she was known for. Sydney lowered the mic, and started to walk slowly and purposefully towards Morgana, the expression on her face making it look like she was actually trying to kill her. ‘Stick to your strengths’, Dawn had been told earlier. She wasn’t the best promo-giver in the world, but being a soldier gave you a few skills when it came to being intimidating. After a few very tense seconds, Sydney smiled, though it was not a happy smile. She brought the mic back up to her face, and merely replied with [b][color=00802b]"Oh yeah, speaking of remembering, that reminds me. How’s your face?”[/color] [/b]The ‘Oooooh!’ s started from the crowd. Even with Sydney’s dominant streak, it had been a good guideline for the women’s division to not piss Morgana off. Morgana, or Mileena internally, gave Sydney a glint of respect from that comment, though externally, she glared at the wrestler that was testing her patience. [color=a020f0][b]“It’s seen better days. Actually, I was kind of disappointed. You could’ve done [i]so much[/i] better.”[/b][/color] Not only a sadist, but also a masochist. [color=a020f0][b]“It amazes me that you believed we could ever be [i]partners[/i]. You want to be on my level?”[/b][/color] With apathy, Morgana closed the space in between them. They were scarily close to one another. Chests only centimeters apart. [color=a020f0][b]“Climb, soldier.”[/b][/color] Those words took Dawn back to her own training. She tried to picture the Drill Sergeant in her head. Their mannerisms, their face, their [i]venom[/i]. She’d need as much as she could get to make this like work. With the deadliest and most venomous of stares Sydney had ever given, she sneered and then spoke, in a low, quiet, chilling voice; [b][color=00802b]"Are you challenging me, Morgana? Because if you want a match, I’d be very happy to oblige you.”[/color][/b] They stared at each other with hate for a little while longer, before Sydney dropped the bombshell. [b][color=00802b]"You’re not scary, Morgana. I know you get told that a lot, but people still tell you because you haven’t done anything about it. You’re just a pale ghost of your daddy. Would you like me to teach you what fear really is?”[/color][/b] Again with the ‘daddy’ comments. How unoriginal. Obviously, Sydney doesn’t stay tuned to phenomenal promos. That’s right, because she interrupted it. Rude. [color=a020f0][b]“Bite. Me.”[/b][/color] Morgana hissed. To answer her question. Yes. This was not a challenge, it was an invitation. Sydney got closer, and tensed her arms. It looked like she was about to hit Morgana, but before anybody could get too excited, she dropped the mic, and left the ring, making her way powerfully up the ramp, not looking back, and the boos started to rain in for her. The crowd wanted blood.[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Tournament Match: Oscar O'Sullivan (W) VS. Local Competitor][indent]The arena was silent for a few long moments. Nobody knew what was going to happen next. There was no activity. Nobody knew what to expect. Then something strange happened; The AWE main theme played and the titantron showed the text in black and white 'Local talent'; Chris Dent which got a few cheers from the local indie fans who knew the wrestler from his work in the local indie scene. He was known for being a really good wrestler and having no other gimmick to speak of, and his treatment by the AWE reflected this. His presentation was so plain and generic, it was refreshingly different. To the main theme being his entrance music, but the very basic titantron, to the plain black ring gear, boots armpads and trunks. He wasn't a vanilla midget but his build was average for a wrestler, his hair was long and he had a goatee. If one wrestler could embody the word 'wrestler', it was this guy; Chris Dent. His utter forgetfulness made him memorable. He walked straight to the ring and climbed the steps to climb through the ropes in a truly unremarkable fashion, after which he calmly paced, waiting for his opponent. Then the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmaWy4KmeTA]telltale rising pitch[/url] of a better-known wrestler started, and the lights turned purple. The crown immediately started cheering and booing in equal succession, but there was no doubt about it. The crowd was ignited! The reason why would become clear as the rising pitched sound reached it's end and a sea of purple fireworks showered the stage as both the song and the titantron mirrored each other in presenting the words "I AM THE ONE AND ONLY!" and standing in the glow of the fireworks, with his fist raised, and wearing silver trunks and knee-high purple boots and gloves, was Oscar O'Sullivan. And it was true. As he made his way to the ring, preening and posing for the booing fans up the ramp, and offering hands to children only to rip them away to the child's anguish, he really was the one and only. Face or heel, Oscar was a through-and-through superstar. He was the exact opposite of Chris Dent in every way. For eleven years, Oscar had been a joy to watch. From his midcard feuds with wrestlers long since retired, to his World Title win, to his feud with Drayden which will forever go down in the annals of AWE history. He'd spend a lit of time recently in the lower midcard, with a brief push straight after his injury, but his skill at not just wrestling, but character work was a double edged sword. He was a useful tool to elevate other stars. He could make anyone feel important, and thus that's what his task had become. But no matter what position on the card he was in, the crowd loved him. When Oscar reached the ring, and he and Chris faced off; the two most different styles of character one could hope to see in the same ring, the bell wrong, and they immediately started to grapple, and to the surprise and shock of the audience, Chris pushed Oscar to the floor. It was at that moment that Chris suddenly started getting cheered properly for the first time in the night. They grappled again, and this time circled each other, but the moment Chris shielded Oscar from the ref's line of sight, Oscar delivered a swift knee below the belt and then caught Chris in a headlock, which was held for long enough, Oscar gauged, for the loud boos Oscar was getting for such a despicable act to die down. Oscar then called [b][color=#cc00cc]"Now"[/color][/b] to Chris, too quiet and subtle for the cameras to pick up, and Chris slipped out of the headlock and twisted Oscar's arm painfully around, which, once the cheers had started to die down, was reversed into Oscar's own armlock, and then Oscar kicked the man's legs from under him and started to choke him before the ref pulled him away. The crowd were being taken on a rollercoaster, but Oscar didn't want to wear them out, just keep them hot for the rest of the night, and he eased off and started to pace Chris like a hungry lion while the younger indie guy recovered. Oscar then ran at Chris, but he leapfrogged over the heel and started to turn round, but was caught by a Pele kick to the face, followed by a Second Rope Moonsault, but Oscar didn't cover. Instead he gestured to Chris' prone body as if you say 'Do you guys believe I'm fighting this pathetic nobody'. While Chris was still writhing, Oscar climbed to the top rope, and raised his fist, which used to be a sign that he was about to his the Six-Axis, a fan favourite move, but fans knew better. Heel Oscar would gesture for the move and hit a knee drop instead, and fans knew not to get their hopes up anymore. Sure enough, he leapt knee first, but Chris put his own knees up and Oscar landed painfully onto them. As Chris stood up, now Oscar was writhing. This time, Chris went to the top rope and delivered a Swanton Bomb to Oscar. The crowd roared excitement, and the commentary team lost their shit screaming assorted phrases like 'No! No!' and 'It's gonna happen!' and 'What an upset! If Oscar is beaten in round one by local talent!' Chris made the cover. 1....2...kick out. Oscar kicked out incredibly close. The crowd went wild. This was amazing T.V.! Oscar and Chris both slowly got to their feet and stared at each other, and as they did Oscar realised that it was time to wrap up this quick match lest the audience get burned out, and Gethin's match was next. Oscar wanted them hot for that one! He charged Chris who made a move to grab Oscar but he dropped to his knees and slid under Chris' reach, getting back to his feet without breaking stride, rebounding off the ropes and delivering a flying knee to Chris' face, flooring the local talent. He then dragged the younger wrestler up painfully by his hair. Chris' cries being picked up loud and clear by the mics so that they didn't get drowned out by the cascade of boos. He then set Chris up for a Crucifix Cutter, hit the move, made the cover, 1, 2, 3. Oscar had beaten the local talent and moved on to round 2 of the tournament. The smarks were cheering as hard as they could, and the casual or local fans were booing. The crowd hadn't had a second of silence throughout the short match. As Oscar made his way to the back, followed shortly after by Chris, that was when the crowd finally started to die down. Oscar had made Chris look good, which in turn made Oscar look good as he'd just beaten a good wrestler as opposed to just some jobber. Chris' career will also get better after this. Literally nobody lost. Oscar O'Sullivan really was the One and Only.[/indent][/hider] [hider=Joy Ryder intervews Gethin Rhys][indent]Oscar O’Sullivan’s match had come to a close. It was short but the audience let their inner animals come out, having gone completely wild from the hype, consumed by the pure elation, ecstasy, and entertainment that is the AWE. [url=http://stealherstyle.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/carlyraejepsencandies1.jpg]Joy Ryder[/url] stood beside one of the more… vicious animals in the building. Not necessarily a monster because there was strategy and tactics behind the brutality. A monster got lost in their blood rage and most, if not all, didn’t understand what they were doing that made others shake and quake with the very sight of them. There was purpose in this wrestler, always purpose, which honestly made this man far more intimidating than his colleagues because he [i]knew[/i] what he was doing. From the root of his impulses to the expressions on his face, he [i]knew[/i] what he was doing. Gethin Rhys. Although he was beyond charming, with a smile that could make anyone that was sexually attracted to him swoon, she knew better. Joy knew what he was capable of doing and how merciless he could and would be out on the ring. Some say a brutal artist, which he preferred, she related him more to a compulsive predator, constantly calculating his next move, while keeping that blinding smile on. [color=9966cc][b]“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time.”[/b][/color] Pausing for a brief moment, she gazed up at the handsome man with her cute dimpled smile, but there was a slight edge in her expression, as if she were personally uncomfortable because she, along with the audience, feared this man. Was it fear, though? Or did she simply not trust the heel that stood before her? [color=9966cc][b]“Gethin Rhys!”[/b][/color] And with his introduction done, she could get straight into the promo. [color=9966cc][b]“Gethin, so what are your thoughts with how the AWE World title tournament came to be?"[/b][/color] She paused for a second and then added, [color=9966cc][b]“With Drayden’s injury and all.”[/b][/color] Gethin looked down at the small yet striking young woman and consciously decided to only lower his charming grin slightly instead of getting rid of it completely. [b][color=wheat]“First, allow me to congratulate you Miss Ryder, you are looking as beautiful as always.”[/color][/b] The human torture device brushed a gentle finger across Joy’s marble skin before speaking again. He had not asked her permission to do that but he knew Joy or at least he hoped he did. She loved getting lost in the moment and making his character seem even more horrible was something she would jump at the chance to exploit. For his benefit, of course. As a result, Joy visibly cringed but kept the act up. [i]He touched her[/i]. Gritting her teeth behind her closed smile, she nodded to him as her ‘thank you’, but knew he had more to say. [b][color=wheat]“Secondly, well, I consider Drayden’s injury to be very unfortunate, I mean, after all I wanted to be the one to take him out myself. Not to worry though, when he comes back… I hope he enjoys the adulation from the sycophants, virgins and morons we call our fans. It won’t last. You see, Drayden will get his rematch for the championship and sadly for him, it’ll be against me. And when his blood has dyed that grey canvas red and the little kids tears in the crowd have stained the arena floor… that will be my masterpiece. That’ll be the end for him. This tournament doesn’t mean a thing. I debuted in a tourney remember? The Wally Norton Battle Classic. I won that, no problem. This thing will be the same. Bet on it.”[/color][/b] The handsome Welshman took the glasses from his face and placed them somewhere off camera. [b][color=wheat]“Next question, darling.”[/color][/b] Gethin cracked his famous fists and knuckles, his hands worn from the hard hitting style that had become his signature over his ten years pro. For a moment his mind wandered to his days as a young lion in Japan before the icy gaze of one Joy Ryder brought him back to the present. [i]Aha, darling.[/i] [color=9966cc][b]“As justified as your confidence is, be careful... Icarus too was confidant, until he flew too close to the sun. You don’t think there’s other competition out there for you? I’m sure Drayden may very well get his rematch, but who’s to say it’ll be against you? Well, besides you.”[/b][/color] Joy felt like she was treading dangerous waters, showing her lack of faith in Gethin Rhys, doubting his abilities to take the title home. Biting her bottom lip, she brought the mic to his mouth and waited for his response. Gethin’s eyes furrowed slightly. How dare she say something like that. He clenched his teeth and inhaled deeply, cracking his neck slowly and loudly for the microphone to pick it up clearly. He was holding back, that itch, that fever that tore apart his soul. The Edward Hyde inside his Henry Jekyll was clawing to the surface, clambering for air in the abyss. Gethin raised his left hand, the striker placed it softly on its side onto Joy’s shoulder, [b][color=wheat]“You feel that? That’s control. Don’t dare speak out of turn again.”[/color][/b] Removing his hand and dropping it back into his other waiting palm, he continued on, [b][color=wheat]“I never said there wasn’t any competition, my dear. Competition is what keeps me going. It’s what makes me, me. That said, there may be competition but none can beat me. Bring me Owen Sparks. Bring me Savaka. Thunderbird. Hell, bring me your brother in Japan. It doesn’t matter who I fight, they’ll lose and I’ll tell you why. I have the one thing every wrestler fears; the ultimate hold. My Owari Death Clutch cannot be broke, that is a fact Joy and I dare anybody to come and try. Test me and you will fail boys, you will fail.”[/color][/b] Maybe her brother will come at some point! Joy didn’t know. He didn’t keep her in the loop with his wrestling career. All she knew was what she found on the internet or the occasional skype calls of him talking about everything BUT wrestling, like the newest ramen flavor he tried, having a snapchat series called: Ramen Review. Blake Ryder was a man who liked to surprise, especially when it came to him coming home. Gethin Rhys’ ego was bigger than his head and she prayed to god one day her brother would make this [i]sick[/i] fighter kiss the very ring he considered his life. His home. Internally, Joy’s stomach curled with how Gethin thought he was warranted to continuously [i]touch[/i] her, as if she was a mere object to make him [i]look good[/i]. She knew this was all acting, but still, she was a woman who thrived off of the moments and by hell, this moment was irritating the shit out of her. [color=9966cc][b]“I think they’ve heard enough.”[/b][/color] Joy’s stare turned cold, deciding Gethin didn’t need to say anymore. It was her job to help him, but overstep your boundaries and she’ll fucking walk away. Beatrice can bitch at her later. [color=9966cc][b]“We’ll see what you have in store for us! Oh, and--”[/b][/color] Before exiting the frame, she glanced back at him and grimaced, [color=9966cc][b]“Don’t tell me what to do.”[/b][/color] The interviewer was the first to leave and Chance Ryder, the videographer, kept the camera on Gethin Rhys for a little bit longer, after making sure the sound guy aimed the boom to the wrestler, to pick up any last words. Turning to face the camera directly, a sick grin crossed the strong style killers face and a dirty, sadistic chuckle cleared his throat. [b][color=wheat]“A word of warning; gentlemen of AWE, I am the most dangerous professional wrestler on the planet. This we all know. Professional violence is what I do for a living. Step into the ring with me and you have two choices. Knock out or I choke you out. Whatever your preference. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go kill some idiot and then I’m going to go find myself a nice girl...or boy you know me, I’m not prejudiced. Good day.”[/color][/b] Gethin reached down and pulled his gumshield into frame and placed it into his still grinning mouth before walking out of shot.[/indent][/hider] [hider=Tournament Match: Initiate forces entry taking the Creation's slot. The Initiate (W) VS. Local Competitor.][indent]After the tantalizing interview of Gethin Rhys by Joy Ryder, the crowd was ready for some action involving "The Welsh Dragon" but before that match was to happen the eerie music of The Creation started playing through the arena. The crowd booed because they wanted to see one of the best heels in the business, but instead they'd have to see another big guy squash some local competitor. As the big guy was making his usual approach, someone with an unmistakable mask on his face trotted out behind the beast making similar motions with the major difference of the masked man carrying a bat. As the crowd started cheering Initiate lightly tapped the creation on the shoulder. Once the broodish man turned around Mathys raised the bat and 'swung' right at the mans head sending him to the floor. Under the mask Mathys was smiling nearly as big as his mask was. He pretended to inspect the guy as if making sure he was out when in reality he was just making sure he didn't hit him to hard. Once satisfied with the crowds reaction, Mathys lifted Creations arm and placed the bat under there and patted the man on the head. He stood up and instantly looked towards the ring where the LC was and cocked his head as if confused. The crowd started chanting [b][color=gray]LET'S GET WEIRD! LET'S GET WEIRD![/color][/b] At the end of the second 'weird' Mathys bolted towards the ring and slide right in. He hopped to his feet then pointed from the ref, to Magic Hawkins, to himself, then finally to the timekeepers area. He did this two more times until someone came to the ring and must have told the ref that this was know the match. While the ref spoke to the message man and the timekeeper Initiate waltzed over to Magic and stood in front of the man before starting to poke the man on the chest. Magic quickly smacked Initiate's hands away and Mathys stayed frozen until he heard the ref telling the two to get in their corners. Mathys slowly went to his position but as soon as the bell rang he rushed right at Magic and delivered running dropkick. Mathys quickly did a kip-up from his position and noticed Creation being helped to taken out back. Initiate walked to the ropes and hopped on the bottom one staring at his victim while bouncing up and down on the rope. Magic took this moment to run up and flip Initiate over the ropes causing him to land on the outside of the ring. Magic then set up in a way he could run towards the opposite ropes for a boost to do a suicide dive. Initiate slowly got up looking around wildly as if confused on how he ended up outside the ring. He stood up and began turning towards the ring just as Magic was about to launch through the ropes. Quickly Initiate leaned to the side of Magic's aim grabbing Magics shoulder and body swiftly spinning to smash him down in a Snap Scoop Powerslam. Most of the crowd exploded at the unexpected move. Initiate lifted up his opponent and rolled him into the ring. He slid in right after him and picked magic up setting him up for a Final Cut. Magic shoved Initiate off hitting him with a quick elbow and then bounced off the ropes running towards Initiate. Initiate quickly lifted Magic high in the air stumbling backwards then dropping him on to the ropes in a Stun Gun. Initiate rolled on top of his downed opponent for the one, two, three. Initiate stood up and rapidly clapped. He walked towards the ref and gave him a massive bear hug. He then proceeded to lift Magic and pushed him out the ring. He followed him out and then helped him up the ramp when before leaving he quickly gave him a noogie. He then dropped the man right there and left as if nothing even happened.[/indent][/hider] [hider=Tournament Match: Gethin Rhys (W) VS. Local Competitor][indent]The Staples Centre descended into darkness as the lights went black. This could be a prelude to the entrance of many of the AWE’s finest in ring performers. Yet when the unmistakable [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9QqIFQpUp4]retro synth beat[/url] began to bleed into the arena through the speakers, it meant only one thing; Gethin Rhys was coming. Purple flames began to rise across the titantron before the Welsh Dragon’s name appeared in cursive. The dull blue spotlight effortlessly blended with the 80’s neon to reveal the chiselled human torture device standing atop the stage. There was no flash Rhys; his ring gear was simple enough; black trunks, kickpads, boots and gumshield. The only design being the Welsh flag on the front of his trunks. As the tempo increased, the pinks turned into blood reds and the lingering cheers transformed into a thundering storm of boos and jeers. None of this would matter as Gethin began his deliberately slow and sinister walk to the thing he called home; the squared circle. His eyes were filled with pain and their gaze had not left the cowering young man who stood in the far corner of the ring. Gethin Rhys was the most dangerous man in AWE; everyone knew it. Other wrestlers were more technically sound true; others were more charismatic but none could turn up the intensity like Gethin, none could make you more scared for a performer than him. He was often named the most violent wrestler on the planet and for good reason. He had been seduced by the glow of violence from an early age. It had enthralled him, it had warped him into what he was today. Some called him a monster. Gethin Rhys was not a monster, he was an artist; a brutal artist and the ring was his canvass. Tonight would be the start of his masterpiece. He entered the ring as the lights came back up to normal; his eyes had not once left his opponent. Chad 2 Badd was his name or something like that. It didn’t really matter because Gethin was going to eat him alive. As usual, the ref had already placed his hands on Gethin’s chest to stop him from tearing the poor little sods heart out before the bell even rung. A sick smile crossed the Welshman’s face as the referee called for the bell to start the contest. Chad of course went for the collar and elbow tie up. That wasn’t going to work for the man from Cardiff. In an instant, Gethin had already planted Mr 2 Badd into the ground with an arched yakuza kick straight from the corner to the young lads face. Within a millisecond, he was on top of his opponent, raining down hard open handed strikes to his head and neck. Of course not a single one of these actually connected, Gethin was a professional after all and protecting your partner was part of the craft. He threw a final strike before whispering into Chad’s ear [b][color=wheat]"Corner spot.”[/color][/b] Getting to his feet, Gethin shoved his fingers into Chad’s open mouth and grabbed his upper jaw, with a hard yank he began to drag the terrified youngster to the corner before pulling him to his feet. Pulling his hand free, the brutal artist slapped Chad 2 Badd again before leaping and driving a stiff knee into his opponents chin. [b][color=gray]YOU SICK FUCK! YOU SICK FUCK! YOU SICK FUCK![/color][/b] The crowds disdain was like ecstasy for Gethin as a wry smile crept upon his lips. As he approached Chad again, the plucky youngster pressed both his hands forward into Gethin’s gut with a double palm strike. Seeing an opportunity, Chad went after his winded foe with a few more hard strikes. The Welsh Dragon burst into a fit of laughter as he motioned for Chad to continue hitting him. With every blow, Rhys began to laugh more and more before finally he switched gears. One, two slap to the face, right leg kick and a spinning left heel kick to the gut and Chad was hunched over. Gethin hooked the legs from beneath his opponent, sending him to a seated position and setting him up for vintage Rhys. The Dragon ran the ropes and sure enough he struck with a devastatingly stiff penalty kick to the chest of 2 Badd. Gethin’s strikes were best in the game, no one could deny that fact. The crowds massive cheers with every successful strike was testament to the fact. Raising a single finger to his lips, Gethin began to shush the crowd and they did what they were told. They knew what was coming. Grabbing Chad 2 Badd’s left hand, the ruthless ring general pulled him to his feet before tearing the fingers apart with his signature finger snap move. The crack of the bone echoed throughout the arena followed by sudden thump of foreheads as Gethin cracked Chad with a headbutt. [b][color=gray]YOU SICK FUCK! YOU SICK FUCK! YOU SICK FUCK![/color][/b] The crowd began again and they were right. All of this was just overkill. Gethin could have finished this with one move but that’s not how the surgeon of this theatre operated. Blood began to seep lightly from beneath Rhys hairline and he grinned again. Chad 2 Badd was out but it wasn’t over. There was one last thing to do. As the blood trickled down his head, Gethin closed let out a sigh of release. He took a knee and wrapped his arm around his opponents neck in a dragon sleeper before modifying it by interlocking his far hand behind his back with the other. This version of the dragon sleeper was known as the Owari Death Clutch and Gethin had said he was going to bring it to the AWE. Chad 2 Badd did not even tap out from the End Waltz, his body was limp and as the bell rang Gethin took a second before releasing him. [b][color=wheat]"Thanks brother.”[/color][/b] Gethin whispered before getting to his feet and listening to the announcers confirm his advancement in the AWE tournament and the crowd jeer him with a small patter embracing his brutality. [b][color=gray]PRO VIOLENCE! PRO VIOLENCE! PRO VIOLENCE![/color][/b][/indent][/hider] [hider=Hype Package for the Re-Debut of Hector][indent]Following the brutal Gethin squash, the crowd were clamoring for another match; for more violence, but suddenly the lights went out, as did the titantron. The entire arena was in complete, sudden, unexplained darkness. As far as the crown knew, it could be a powercut. After a few very tense seconds, the titantron showed a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZZdVEQXiK8]flickering lightbulb,[/url] followed by a longer spell of silence and darkness, but now the crowd were reassured that this was deliberate. Then, the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCtgTpxgwjc&t=32s]familiar music of a music box[/url] started playing, and suddenly the whole arena started to cheer. They knew what this meant. They knew what was back. Another image started to show on the titantron, and they quickly quietened down and started to pay attention. The video on screen was CCTV footage of a bandaged man in a hospital. It cut away to a shaky cam showing the 'Burns Ward' sign. It went dark again, but still, the unsettling music played. The titantron flared back to life, this time showing still pictures of nurses unravelling the man's bandages. In each of the pictures, the nurses faces were harshly scored out with a pencil. The last picture passes by very quickly but still slow enough to everyone to have registered it. It was the bandaged man grabbing a nurse's throat. In this one her face hadn't been scored out, and was a contorted, sickening scream of shock and pain. The series of pictures then moved onto another CCTV video. This time it was a fisheye camera recording a padded cell. A figure in a straightjacket was sitting down, facing away from the camera. This footage must have played with no changed for a solid thirty seconds, before a roll of static went down the screen, and suddenly the figure was right in front of the camera, staring up at it. Many of the audience jumped. There were a few more cheers now, as the face that could now be seen was definitely Hector. The cheers were definitely lost in the overpowering silence of the majority of the crowd. Suddenly, a grainy, black and white cartoon started to play. It was just cutesy 1930's style animals walking around a village and talking, but with the music, and in context of what they saw before, it was really creepy. Slowly, it would dawn on the crowd that the buildings in the background were melting. Then the sun and clouds started melting. Then, as the characters themselves started to melt, still with smiles on their faces, the music [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd2FE4Qmdw0]started playing backwards.[/url] The cartoon burned away in a fire, the vivid color and realism of the flames bringing the crowd back from the cartoon. Now, on the Titantron, in his old gear and mask, was Hector, though his green and white ring gear was charred as if burned, and his mask, before a creepy, blank smiling mascot head, was now slightly melted into something even creepier than before. He appeared to be standing besides a chain-link fence, and it was night-time. He leaned into the camera, and spoke, in a menacingly jovial tone; "I can't wait to play more games with you all!" The Titantron went off. The lights came back on, and there were some cheers of excitement, but it wasn't deafening. Many of the crowd was still shocked to silence. Everybody, however, was of the same opinion; What they had just watched was amazing. [/indent][/hider] [hider=Main Event, Tournament Match: Sexton PS Love VS. Thunderbird (W)][indent] Sexton's music hit and he stepped through the curtain to a mixed reaction. This week's show was in Los Angeles, and Sexton himself was a California native. He had anticipated a bit of a hometown pop, and so he had come prepared to deal with it. [color=49796B][b]"The following contest is a first round match-up in the AWE World Title tournament! Introducing, from Venice Beach, Cal--"[/b][/color] [b][color=fff200]"Gimme the fuckin' mic!"[/color][/b] As he ripped the microphone from the [url=http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/02/08/article-2275609-176CDD38000005DC-138_634x1028.jpg]female ring announcer's[/url] hands, Sexton hoped that his F-bomb didn't come through on television. He suspected that it did. Oh well. At least it was after 10 PM. [b][color=fff200]"Listen here daddeh, because I got a little somethin' for ya. This is truly a new era for American Wrestling Entertainment. A new era, with a new champion. And you know Sexton P.S. Love wants a piece of that action darlin'. This company needs me as the World's Heavyweight Champion, and you know I need that belt just as bad. Sexton Love's [i]got[/i] to have that world's title belt daddeh. He's got to have it. It's got gold on it. It's got platinum on it. It's got lead, iron, copper, and zinc! It's got uranium, and [i]TITANIUM[/i]. It's got cobalt, asphalt, your fault, my fault, SAN ANDREAS FAULT! You heard that right daddeh."[/color][/b] Sexton lowered the mic for a moment, allowing the crowd to cheer. The line really made no sense, but it was all about delivery, just ask Superstar Billy Graham. After allowing the crowd to amp themselves up, Sexton began to speak again. It was time to bring them crashing down. [color=1f71dd][b]“Sexton Love is being oddly… polite here tonight, you don’t hear that very often from him.”[/b][/color] [b][color=fff200]"I've been all around the world, and I've been a champion everywhere I went. I was a heavyweight champion in Canada, Japan, Iran, and Pakistan, a champion all over the world daddeh. But you know that I was born and raised in [i]southern California[/i]."[/color][/b] Another huge pop. [b][color=fff200]"And I have never, ever, learned more about what it meant to be champion than [i]last week in CHICAGO, ILLINOIS[/i]!"[/color][/b] And there it was. [color=1f71dd][b]“Nevermind.”[/b][/color] [color=3eb489][b]“Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.”[/b][/color] The crowd turned on a dime, relentlessly booing the brash and arrogant villain. Was it cheap heat? Yes. But he was just getting started. Sexton tore off his t-shirt to reveal a [i]Chicago Cubs[/i] jersey underneath, the team that beat the L.A. Dodgers in last year's National League Championship Series. Heat didn't come much cheaper than that. [b][color=fff200]"I'm DOWN for the Chi-Town darlin', because Sexton Love is a [i]champion[/i], and Chicago is the [i]city of champions[/i]! Just ask the Los Angeles Dodgers! L.A. is a city of [i]losers[/i], and daddeh that just doesn't work for me..." [/color][/b] Sexton continued ranting, but his voice was being drowned out by boos. Suddenly, the sounds of A Tribe Called Red blasted through the arena as the crowd exploded. Thunderbird rushed down to the ring, instantly bringing the fight to Sexton and sending the fans into a frenzy. The proverbial shit was on. Thunderbird took him from pillar to post, whipping Sexton across the ring and relentlessly beating him down in the corner with a flurry of punches. The Bird grabbed Sexton's jersey and pulled it off his back, holding it up high for the entire arena to see. He tore the jersey in half and threw it down as the crowd cheered. [color=1f71dd][b]“Thunderbird is doing what’s right and the fans are definitely in favor of it. Who can blame them? Sexton Love may as well have betrayed his hometown territory and committed high treason.”[/b][/color] Thunderbird turned around and was instantly met with a clothesline as Sexton exploded out of the corner. The cheers turned quickly to boos as the Lovely One began mouthing off to the fans. Looking for some payback, Sexton grabbed the Native American headdress that Thunderbird wore to the ring as part of his entrance and tore it up. He threw the shredded mess of feathers onto his opponent as he put to the boots to him, drawing even more heat. [color=3eb489][b]“Yeah, and look what he got for it? Paid back in the fullest by Sexton Love, you never take your eyes off of a wiley opponent like the Sexecellence of Sexecution.”[/b][/color] Enraged at Sexton's display of disrespect, Thunderbird began to fire up, mounting a comeback with a series of shots to the midsection. With Sexton reeling, Thunderbird came off the ropes with a full head of steam but was cut off with a boot to the face. Sexton pointed to his brain as if to say he was "outsmarting" his opponent. Classic heel move. Sexton went for a cover, but Thunderbird kicked out at two. As soon as Thunderbird lifted a shoulder off the mat, Sexton transitioned from a pinning position to a reverse headlock, wearing his opponent down. [color=3eb489][b]“And now he just keeps the pedal to the metal and closes this one out. Another feather in the cap, so to speak.”[/b][/color] [color=1f71dd][b]“Is that a reference to the headdress being torn up?”[/b][/color] [color=3eb489][b]“...Maybe.”[/b][/color] Sexton tightened his grip, looking around at some of the fans in the front row. A younger fan was wearing a Thunderbird t-shirt and a Dodgers cap. Target acquired. [b][color=fff200]"Clayton Kershaw sucks!"[/color][/b] screamed Sexton, trying to get a rise out of the fan. [b]"Let's go Thunderbird! Get him!"[/b] [b][color=fff200]"Shut up, kid! I'll be your new stepdaddeh!"[/color][/b] The kid's mother was sitting right next to him. [b]"What the hell did you just say?!? Kick his ass, Thunderbird!"[/b] yelled the rather large woman. [b][b][color=fff200]"Fat broads need Love too!"[/color][/b][/b] This was the best part of the job. [color=1f71dd][b]“Now that’s just plain uncalled for. These fans came here to see a show, not get picked on by the wrestlers!”[/b][/color] The crowd began to clap, willing Thunderbird to break the hold. The Bird reached out with one of his arms, as if drawing on the energy of the 15 000 plus in attendance. He slowly rose to his feet, but Sexton refused to relinquish the hold. Thunderbird hit a few elbow shots to the midsection, losing his grip, and then powered him up with a back suplex! This time it was Thunderbird with the nearfall. [color=1f71dd][b]“Look at Thunderbird feeding off of the energy of the crowd! It’s beautiful.”[/b][/color] [color=3eb489][b]“I still don’t think he has it in him.”[/b][/color] Both men slowly got up, with Thunderbird having a slight advantage. He hit Sexton with a kick and set him up for a double underhook powerbomb. BAM! Sexton was slammed down in the middle of the ring. The Warpath River Plunge. One of Thunderbird's favorite moves. 1...2...Sexton barely kicked out. [color=1f71dd][b]“You were saying?”[/b][/color] [color=3eb489][b]“Two count isn’t a victory, Wade!”[/b][/color] Still in control Thunderbird grabbed Sexton with a front facelock, lifting him into a suplex position. He held Sexton up in a stalling vertical suplex, a pretty impressive feat of strength, and prepared to flip him forward into a uranage slam. He called it the Totem Pole Suplex. At the last second, Sexton countered, hooking Thunderbird with a DDT and planting him down on his head! The Impale-Her DDT! Thunderbird was rocked by the signature move, clutching his neck in pain. But the exhausted and battered Sexton was unable to capitalize right away. Finally, he crawled onto the cover. 1...2..Thunderbird kicked out! Frustrated, Sexton got up to his feet. He slapped Thunderbird across the head, yelling at him to stay down. [b][color=fff200]"You see this? This is the real Thunderbird, right here!"[/color][/b] Sexton pointed down at his crotch, then slapped his opponent again. [color=3eb489][b]“Sexton nearly had him there! And look at him taking the time with his opponent, taunting him.”[/b][/color] [color=1f71dd][b]“Need I remind you that a two count isn’t a victory, [i]Kane[/i]?”[/b][/color] Hooking Thunderbird's legs, Sexton bridged backwards into the Love Lock, essentially his own version of the legendary Muta Lock. He wrenched back on Thunderbird's injured head and neck, thrusting his bridging pelvis upwards repeatedly. Still feeling the effects of the DDT and earlier headlock, Thunderbird desperately crawled for the ropes to break the devastating hold. By now the crowd was fully in The Bird's corner, cheering him on to keep fighting. Thunderbird outstretched his hand, looking like he may tap out, but managed to pull himself just a little further and grab the bottom rope. The referee ordered Sexton to break the hold, but Sexton kept it applied for a few extra seconds. More heat. Looking to finish things off, Sexton lifting up Thunderbird by his injured neck, and called for the piledriver. As he set his opponent up, Sexton's gaze found the same enthusiastic young fan in the front row. [b][color=fff200]"I'm gonna break his damn neck!"[/color][/b] [color=3eb489][b]“Here comes the end, see ya Thunderbird. Come back Wednesday, maybe you can open the show.”[/b][/color] The hesitation cost him, as Thunderbird exploded with a back body drop, countering the piledriver! 15 000 strong collectively lost their shit as the babyface fired up for his comeback. Thunderbird began a Tatanka-like war dance, strutting around the ring and ramping up the crowd. [color=1f71dd][b]“You never take your eyes off of your opponent, that was a rookie move from Sexton, taunting the crowd like that.”[/b][/color] Sexton fed in for a series of knockdowns and bodyslams as the Native American warrior built momentum. Sexton fell down to his knees, begging and pleading for mercy. The babyface balled up his hand into a fist but Sexton grabbed the ref by his shirt and pulled him in between them like a human shield. Thunderbird shoved the ref aside and grabbed Sexton, but Sexton quickly hit him with a lowblow! Having been thrown out of the way by Thunderbird himself, the ref wasn't in a position to see it. [color=1f71dd][b]“Not again! We just saw a tourney match end like that last week!”[/b][/color] [color=3eb489][b]“Shut up, Wade! You do what you need to do to win the damn tournament and take the AWE World Title home! Where I come from, cheater is just a fancy word for winner.”[/b][/color] [color=1f71dd][b]“Remind me to never go where you’re from.”[/b][/color] [color=3eb489][b]“We don’t want you anyway.”[/b][/color] Boos began raining down, as the crowd sensed where the match was headed. With a smirk on his face, Sexton lifted Thunderbird up for his finishing move, the [i]Sexecutor[/i]. He elevated Thunderbird into a torture rack position, relishing the moment. One last time, he looked at the fan at ringside. [b][color=fff200]"It's all over daddeh!"[/color][/b] Suddenly, Thunderbird trapped both of Sexton's arms form the torture rack position and rolled backwards! He countered the Sexecutor into a crucifix pin! Caught in the rollup, Sexton kicked his legs in panic, trying to break free of the pinning predicament! 1...2...3! Thunderbird had won the match! [color=1f71dd][b]“Again looking away from the business at hand! Too caught up in making sure the fans know he hates them, Sexton Love just got eliminated the AWE World Title tournament!”[/b][/color] [color=3eb489][b]“Even I have to hand it to Thunderbird, he took his shots when he could, and now he moves forward.”[/b][/color] Thunderbird rolled out, leaving an utterly shocked and stunned Sexton Love in the ring. The triumphant babyface walked up the ramp, his arm raised in victory as the female announcer confirmed the result. [b][color=49796B]"Ladies and gentlemen your winner, THUUUUUUUUNDERBIRD!"[/color] [/b] [/indent][/hider] [hider=AFTERSHOCK with Wade Palmer and Joy Ryder, featuring Sydney Ellis][indent]Another day, another show. Sometimes the grind got to him, but generally speaking… Wade Palmer loved his job. Every second of it, from beginning to end of each day was an adventure, and that he truly enjoyed. Aftershock was a personal baby of his, a pet project that he’d suggested to Roddy a few years back. Now it had a huge following, and he and Joy Ryder ran it together… and it was fun. At its core, that’s what wrestling was supposed to be: fun. A lot of people took it too seriously, a lot of fans made it out to be something that it’s not and would attack wrestlers for even the slightest fault in the ring, on the microphone… Wade Palmer felt bad for Owen Sparks and Kidd Neon. When he checked the internet tomorrow, he was certain the internet wrestling community (the IWC, or as Roddy called them, ‘the dirty internet smarks’) would be calling for the public beheading of the two young’uns. Wade sat down behind the desk of the Aftershock set and smiled at Joy, who was already waiting for him. Wade tossed a large bag of gummi worms onto the desk and chewed on one as the camera started rolling. Hurriedly swallowing it, Wade spoke to the camera. [color=1f71dd][b]“Welcome to AWE Aftershock, where we talk about the show that just transpired, and bring a guest or two to come on screen and chat with us. Tonight… we nearly had a show end the same way last week’s did, in a questionable way, but. Everything went just fine as far as I can tell. We’ll address the question being asked by all the fans out there, trending #1 on Twitter all night… Where’s Caiden?”[/b][/color] One hand was rested on her notepad, the other hand was rolling her pen on the glass surface. Back and forth. Back and forth. When she found her opening to add to Wade’s dialogue, she stopped what she was doing and gave him her genuinely sweet smile, with just the right amount of her natural personality and just the right amount of her professional front, [color=9966cc][b]“Isn’t it obvious, Wade?”[/b][/color] Joy raised her eyebrow, her expression displaying the fact that she couldn’t even fathom the possibility of this NOT being true. [color=9966cc][b]“He has bad blood with Roddy Quinn, so of course he’s going to use times like these, where he doesn’t even get a match on tonight’s show, to keep to his word and: Quote. Take this show over. One step at a time. Unquote.’”[/b][/color] She brought her attention to the camera and confidently added, [color=9966cc][b]“And we all know he keeps to his word.”[/b][/color] [color=1f71dd][b]“It might not be that obvious. Maybe, and I’m just spitballing here… but maybe he wasn’t here this week because he didn’t want to show his face after his despicable actions last week. OR, and I might be wrong here because it probably would have been announced… maybe he got suspended for being an asshole, [i]Joy[/i].”[/b][/color] Wade accented his statement by viciously tearing a piece of his gummi worm off. [color=1f71dd][b]“You don’t just attack referees and go on like nothing happened.”[/b][/color] Oh this shit again. Joy gritted her teeth in annoyance. [color=9966cc][b]“We both know, Mr. Palmer.”[/b][/color] Her words were enunciated and her blue eyes glinted with serious passion, [color=9966cc][b]“Caiden Winters [i]isn’t[/i] a coward. If he were, he wouldn’t have ‘attacked’ the referee after he DID warn him. The ref made a bad call. And you don’t cross, Caiden."[/b][/color] Internally, Joy was getting hella’ grumpy, but she had to keep this professional. Straightening her body, she put her pleasant smile back on, while her eyes locked with the camera lens, [color=9966cc][b]“Did you hear that folks? Caiden might have been suspended. Do you believe it? Because I don’t. That would be another bad call, don’t you think? Why don’t you tell us what you think happened to Caiden Winters on Twitter and remember to @AWE and put the hashtag AWEAftershock.”[/b][/color] [color=1f71dd][b]“I think Caiden Winters is plotting and deciding how he’s going to take out his rage on Roddy Quinn. But that’s not all I think; you want to know what I think? I’ll tell you. I think it’s a mistake. I think Caiden Winters needs to keep his head down after that little bout of rage, and wait until Roddy calls him and then he should ask for another chance, or he’s going to be screwed for the rest of his tenure here.”[/b][/color] Did Wade the person believe this? Of course not, but he knew what to say to get Joy going, and he wanted this show to be hers more than his. [color=9966cc][b]“What wrestler who kept his or her head down ever became a star? A LEGEND? None. Caiden Winters is a force to be reckoned with. He never stops doing his best just because his boss doesn’t give him credit. You know who does see his potential? The fans. And without our fans, where would we be? Caiden Winters deserves to be on the AWE and to get the respect he deserves, he has to make bold moves.”[/b][/color] [color=1f71dd][b]“I guess we’ll just see how it goes, huh? Anyway, let’s move on.”[/b][/color] Wade glanced down at his notes briefly, reading over them. [color=1f71dd][b]“Did you catch what the Initiate did today? He just… took another man’s place in the tournament. I guess that’s the kind of thing he tries to push, huh? Well, Joy we’re one step closer to what you seem to want: total anarchy. Or maybe you’re less okay with people breaking the rules when you don’t have a crush on them.”[/b][/color] Another gummi worm. Did he? He did, didn’t he? She did NOT have a crush on Caiden. Without batting an eye or even blushing, Joy twirled her pen in her hand and smirked at Wade, [color=9966cc][b]“Let’s not go there.”[/b][/color] As much as she wanted to make a low blow and use his relationship with her sister against him, she decided to keep things on track. Joy Ryder was a [i]professional[/i]. [color=9966cc][b]“Like I said. To get noticed, sometimes you have to make bold moves. If they were so against the ‘total anarchy’ they would have nipped this match in the bud. Did they? No. Why? Because the fans liked what they saw. Who has more control now?”[/b][/color] The company, the wrestlers, or the fans. If Joy gave into her emotions, she would have darted her pen at Wade’s face and stole his gummy worms… but, the show must go on. All personal feelings aside. [color=1f71dd][b]“It’s the fans. It’s always the fans who have the control. Maybe what you’re saying has some merit, maybe getting noticed IS that important, but I cannot and I will not sit by and watch as the wrestlers who are paid to fucking—”[/b][/color] Wade was getting a little impassioned himself. Dude was a mark, hated heels. [color=1f71dd][b]“—wrestle the other wrestlers attack referees, blindside their peers before they can start their match… even the low blows I saw tonight and last week… that kind of stuff would have legends in this business who worked until their bodies gave out and they couldn’t crawl to that ring to put on a show for these fans… the way some of the AWE roster acts would have those legends rolling in their damn graves. Did you see the despicable way that Sexton Love acted tonight? It’s disrespectful, and it’s damn near disgusting.”[/b][/color] Keep things rolling, Joy. [color=9966cc][b]“Oh you mean the low blow that cost Caiden his match? If I’m not mistaken, Caiden Winters fought [i]right[/i]. It was after the fact that he decided to show us how he really feels.”[/b][/color] Okay, she needed to keep this rolling, but she was still riled up from the heavy, negative focus on her favorite wrestler. For a second, she gave her peer dull eyes, before tapping her pen on her notepad and continuing, [color=9966cc][b]“And yes, I saw. And our fans reacted accordingly. You may be right with how there should be a limit to the way our wrestlers act, but I will stand by my opinion that there are exceptions. And the people who help make our grey lines more clear are tuning in tonight.”[/b][/color] [color=1f71dd][b]“I agree with you. I don’t think the fans show up to get tormented like that, but what do I know… But you know what really spoke to the fans tonight? None other than Morgana — and if you talk to Kane later, despite what he may say… he was marking out and totally thought it was her father. Of course, all good things must come to an end, and she was interrupted.”[/b][/color] Joy’s expression brightened. She too had marked out, thinking her uncle figure was going to make an appearance. Her dad’s best friend showing up out of the blue? Insane. At last, it was all a ruse. A good one at that! On top of the excitement she had because of that, she also simply liked the Women’s Division and the drama that surrounded it. It was like some Real Housewives pettiness and she LOVED it. [color=9966cc][b]“Interrupted by someone we have never gotten many opportunities to hear as much as the other Divas before. And the thing that got me was, I could feel the tension... and I wasn’t even physically on the ring.”[/b][/color] [color=1f71dd][b]“Luckily for us, and the fans, we’re going to get to hear some more from her tonight — without further adieu, please welcome our guest for the evening: Sydney Ellis.”[/b][/color] Truth be told, Wade didn’t pay enough attention backstage to know for sure if all the drama was real or fake, but he did his best to keep Trinity mostly out of it… Not much longer, though. Sydney Ellis marched into the shot and took her seat. She was wearing the same ensemble she has worn when she interrupted Morgana. She gave a curt nod to them both. [b][color=00802b]"Joy. Wade,”[/color][/b] she hammered, not looking in a great mood, but at least not openly hostile. [b][color=00802b]"Yeah, I tend to let my actions speak for me, but tonight, I couldn’t let it go. There were things that needed to be said. And after all that, Morgana still has the gall to look down on me.”[/color][/b] [color=1f71dd][b]“Morgana tends to look down on… well, everyone. It’s the way she’s always been, and I doubt a few strong words are going to change that. You’ll have to do more than that.”[/b][/color] Wade explained, leaning forward as he chomped on another gummi worm. [color=1f71dd][b]“I’d argue that the only way you’re going to get her to look at you any differently, is to beat her ass in the ring.”[/b][/color] [b][color=00802b]"There are no excuses,”[/color][/b] Sydney retorted icily. [b][color=00802b]"There are no reasons why I would let anybody look down on me. I haven’t lost a singles match in thirteen months now. Beating asses in the ring is my first language. Maybe the message to Morgana simply didn’t get through to her in English.. Or maybe I’ll start every sentence with ‘Barbie’. That would get her attention. All Morgana cares about is the title she lost to a plastic doll that can’t fight. And she looks down on me?! It’s almost impressive how she managed such a pathetic feat!”[/color][/b] [color=9966cc][b]“There’s a lot of fire in you, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who really likes this side.”[/b][/color] Joy complimented the wrestler, who sat on the other side of Wade. Tilting her head in curiousity, she took in the other woman’s words carefully and then inquisitively inquired, [color=9966cc][b]“Wouldn’t you care, though? If you lost the title from anyone really? You spend day and night, rain or shine, for this one thing and then finally. You have it and then someone comes around and takes it all away in a blink of an eye.”[/b][/color] After taking a pause for a moment so her question could resonate with the audience and after she snapped her free hand's fingers when she said the word 'blink' to emphasize her point, Joy added, [color=9966cc][b]“I don’t know if it’s just me, but I feel like something would be wrong if any winner didn’t react to a certain extent.”[/b][/color] Sydney leaned back and smiled with an air of superiority that was sure to infuriate any of the women’s locker room that were watching. Regardless of how much they liked Dawn, Sydney was a nasty piece of work. [b][color=00802b]"Honestly, if there’s a single woman back there that I couldn’t destroy in a fair fight, they’d have earned it. I wouldn’t hold my breath, though. If I became champion, that belt wouldn’t go anywhere anytime soon after.”[/color][/b] Raising an eyebrow in intrigue, her lips curving into a smirk, Joy chuckled, [color=9966cc][b]“So will you? Become champion, I mean. Because what you’re saying is, you’re fully confident you can take down all your competitors, including Barbie Summers. That’s [i]a lot[/i] of competition.”[/b][/color] [b][color=00802b]"You’re implying that Barbie would ever agree to fight me. She won’t. She’s a coward. One day she’ll be usurped by a woman who doesn’t disgrace that belt just by holding it, and they might accept a challenge of mine. But Barbie?”[/color] [/b]Sydney shook her head. [b][color=00802b]"She did not get to where she is today by fighting. She won’t fight me. She’s not a fighter. She might spout several pages of the Mean Girls script at me, or pull some strings with her husband, or use every dirty trick in the book to claim to have beaten me without fighting me.”[/color][/b] Sydney then looked straight down the hard cam. [b][color=00802b]"Barbie Summers can not and will not fight me.”[/color][/b] she challenged. [color=9966cc][b]“Those are some fightin’ words!”[/b][/color] This was why Joy loved the Women’s Division. The amount of drama that arises from a wrestler simply calling a bitch out. It was delicious! She couldn’t wait for more. [color=9966cc][b]“We’ll have to wait and see if Barbie tuned in and how she’ll react. Is she really the coward Sydney Ellis says she is? Or is she simply waiting for the perfect moment to assert her authority and show us who wears the crown?”[/b][/color] [i]Pause for dramatic effect.[/i] [color=9966cc][b]“Unfortunately, we’re out of time.”[/b][/color] Joy pouted at the camera, wishing she could talk all night about the AWE, and then glanced over at Sydney, [color=9966cc][b]“Thanks so much for coming on today. I’m sure from here on out, we’ll hear more from you, yeah?[/b][/color] [b][color=00802b]"That entirely depends on whether or not anything needs to be said in the future.”[/color][/b] Sydney replied curtly. [color=1f71dd][b]“And with that being said, we bid you farewell for tonight, AWE fans. If you’re in the area, make sure to show up at the Golden 1 Center next Wednesday for Shock N AWE, and a trail of shows leading us there. Don’t forget to follow the AWE and all your favorite superstars on Twitter! Even if you can’t be in the arena, tune in next week. It’s the only way to find out who’s going to be the next champion.”[/b][/color] [color=9966cc][b]“Bye, guys! Oh, and don’t forget to keep tabs on the #1 trending question on the AWE’s twitter account. Where’s Caiden? Until next time on Aftershock.”[/b][/color] With her beaming smile, Joy waved at the camera. The moment her twin brother said ‘and cut’, she slouched down in her chair. Thoroughly exhausted from numerous things, like her curiosity of where Caiden actually went tonight since he was nowhere to be found backstage, Joy sighed, [color=9966cc][b]“Great job everyone! I need… wine.”[/b][/color] She was ready to go to the hotel and call it a night. [/indent][/hider]