No one knows how it happened..some say the government got sick of cleaning up after incidents, others claim it was a villain's plan gone off the rails. Still it happened and special 'clinics' opened up in private as once powered humans relapsed to mere mortals suffering from their godhood, one patient unable to cope with the loss of his inhuman strength turned to steroids just to get out of bed in the morning. While other relapses were more severe as the city struggled to cope with new reports of incidents, mandated government housing was put into place as patients found themselves in the same building of their greatest foes..unknowingly. Privacy would be highest priority as former identities were either erased or unknown. Regardless..there are No More Heros. The only problem..grudges can come back to haunt someone..and it seems rehab doesn't always work...powers are slowly returning. So short and sweet summary, I know. However, I played with the idea of what are the consequences if a superhuman looses their power suddenly? Does the Strongman turn into a fragile cripple? What are the psychological consequences of returning to a normal life. What happens when you discover your once greatest foe is your next door neighbor..under a new identity. This RP can be as dark you long as it melds with the other players. Keeping this around six roles. I will taking one, dropping it down to five. Interested? Drop a note!