Felix sighed. Well, if nothing else, he had a chance to show off. He doubted that Katherine would be telling too many people if Felix went all out. When the bandit stepped towards him, he made a quick movement. The truth was, he didn't have time to unsheathe his blade. The truth was, he didn't need to. The blade was still a heavy iron staff when in its sheath, and with a quick move, the young man removed the blade and scabbard from his belt and clobbered the side of the bandit's head. "So, uh... Sorry about that, but... I think your friend there may have a concussion," he said calmly, looking at the bandit he'd basically sucker punched with a sword out of the corner of his eye as he unsheathed the weapon. "Might be good for you to get him some help from a healer or something," he said as he looked at Brax. The guy seemed tougher than the bandit that had attacked the day before, but it didn't mean too much, seeing as none of them appeared to be anywhere near as tough as old man Emmerich. Felix's blade shimmered in the moonlight, practically illuminated. "Kate, can you defend the wagon? You can probably keep it safer than I can." He asked.