Salina appreciated his help but, out of habit, did not let go of her bag. It was not due to suspicions of the large man beside her. He seemed kind enough and a man as large as him would not risk being caught or he would never be able to return. He would also likely find himself facing the noose or at the very least, the loss of a hand. It would not take the guards long to track him. But as Batharyn’s hands fiddled with her bag, one thing he could feel was a large spherical object about the size of a head. It didn’t seem like anything a normal person would be carrying so it was hard to place. There were also many other tiny trinkets and what felt like cloth in the bag. Quite unusual. [color=30A1FA]“Why should I not put in a good word for you? I’m sure that praise would not cause your master to be upset. He should appreciate the fact that you are doing your job well.”[/color] Was this man really that awful? Perhaps she would could consult her magic about him once she was alone in her room. Just then, her stomach growled, reminding her of her uneaten dinner downstairs with the barkeep. When he opened the door, she stepped inside and took a look around the simple room. It was as good as any she had stayed at and definitely better than some. [color=30A1FA]“This is lovely and will serve me quite well for my stay here.”[/color] However long her stay might be. She hoped she could at least get a few weeks out of this place before she faced with an angry mob. She set her bag down on the bed then moved back toward the door. [color=30A1FA]“I will unpack later after I have eaten.”[/color]