The demon was in an arkward position, and it knew it. Its trick hadn't come off as planned, and it now had a stab wound which it would have to stop ignoring at some point. Black, oily blood was leaking from its wrist, and both of its hands were occupied when Mergoux stabbed it in the neck. It choked and staggered, and was knocked off its feet to the floor when Nebullius made his attack. The demon recognised its defeat immediately as Nebullius approached to finish it off. Instead of trying to flee in vain, to preserve its life against all hope, it simply watched Nebullius, looking him in the eye as if daring him to kill it. It glared with a hatred unlike anything in the material world is capable of. It jerked as the staff's blades pierced its body, but did not die until they had left again. The malice in its eyes faded, and it finally fell still as its body became ash, dissipating in the wind. [hr] Kobasratha cursed. His pet was gone. Yes, he had a soul in his castle to put to work, which his other self was doing immediately. But he had lost the influence on the material world, which was his chief concern for the time being. He needed [i]more[/i]. And for that, he needed desire, the one downside of his ability being that he couldn't force it upon people. He couldn't exactly put out "demon for hire" posters, either. He decided to remain in the area for the time being, and hatch a plan to gain more influence.