[quote=@Hazy] [@The Jest] [@Windstormugly] Would it okay if I added another skill to Asugan? I think it'd make sense if he was well educated and maybe trained in diplomacy since he is the son of a chief. [/quote] We have no objection. ^_^ I do have to agree with Windpipe in asking for some patience. I understand this is the free section and how long you have waited, but so long as everyone continues their interest, IT'll be a little while before I can see it as "dying". Now it'd be arrogant of me to say that at the moment, but I'd like to report to everyone that I AM almost done with the IC post. Going by the pace, if I don't have it done tonight, you can all bet your asses it'll be ready tomorrow. Either way, you guys will be Pirates before this weekend is over, and you can fucking quote me on that. XD