[@ClocktowerEchos][@POOHEAD189] Alright, I've got an idea as to how the Ogres have gotten closer to the Old World. [url=http://whfb.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/c/cb/Darklands2.jpg]From the looks of things,[/url] most of the lower half of the Dark Lands is uninhabited by any significant forces, and in canon, [url=http://whfb.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/8/8a/OgreKingdomsMap.jpg]Gnoblar Country and the Haunted Forest[/url] extend out a substantial way into what would otherwise be a much longer slog. My theory is that to reach more prolific grounds, the Ogres managed to create a supply line through the southern part of the Dark Lands to, say, the Ash Ridge Mountains - not necessarily uninhabitable if populated with beasts from the Mountains of Mourn, since half those peaks are natively volcanic anyway, and they do have cultists worshipping a particular volcano already who might be able to do something with them to make them more viable - and then used those as a stepping stone to begin entering the World's Edge Mountains, and therefore to move toward the Old World once the game begins. I imagine their logic for doing so is "screw going East, our god obviously doesn't want us going that way".