[quote=Griever] It's interesting how those preaching tolerance turn out to be the least tolerant of them all. Never met a Liberal online or IRL that hasn't responded violently to having their dogma questioned, usually with valid statistical evidence. Intelligent people have no need to respond with berserker fury and name-calling, they respond with counter-arguments and provide statistics with which to further that counter-argument. Also calling your opponent gay is a valid tactic.Is evidence-based debate even accepted by Liberals/Left-leaning individuals as proof? It seems to me like everytime that a more-intelligent individual posts some factoid which dispels Liberal propaganda, they wave a magic wand, put on some truth-shielding sunglasses and invalidate it. http://communities.washingtontimes.com/staff/joseph-cotto/This concise assessment of Liberal ideology is mostly true, except for the fact that there was no sudden influx of conservatism in the 90s. I would know, my favorite band is Nirvana. Liberals perpetuate overbearing, Federal-nanny programs under the guise of social justice and "civil rights," which really means But all of that would be fine, if they could just accept another's God/Darwin-given right to have a different opinion. [/quote] Everyone is afraid of political-stance related critique.