[hr][hr][center][img]https://s8.postimg.org/vanwock1h/ch2.png[/img][hr][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/19fc69490db0adeff7e66208adc2eea0/tumblr_mhytljAeh61s00f66o1_500.gif[/img][hr][@Nallore][@Witch Cat][@Pundii][@FantasyChic][@BlueSky44][/center][hr][hr][i][b][color=9999ff]December 28th, 1929[/color] - Coventry Horrors, Attic[/b][/i] Fairfax couldn't help but blush at Eudora's comment. Of course, he knew that Miss Aldrich was quite right about time not being a fixed dimension, but waves in space time hadn't been observed yet back in 1929. They were a cutting edge discovery in the modern day, with scientists just only beginning to detect them. Had Andromeda not studied astronomy in university and her mother not emailed to her each paper she found to be interesting, Andromeda wouldn't have known either. "It's good and proper to meet another mind, even if they best me," Fairfax said cheerfully. "I'd hate for scientific process to stop here. I'd be gutted if that was the case." His eyes widened slightly at the knife that Eudora produced, while Andromeda seemed intrigued and Folly appeared almost entirely unfazed. [color=9999ff]"That's the idea,"[/color] Andromeda agreed. [color=9999ff]"We put that [i]thing[/i] down...make sure it can't hurt anyone else."[/color] Folly sighed slightly, half tempted to dash out the window and vanish. She knew they wouldn't be able to follow her if they did. She had a unique skill set, able to scale almost any height, make any leap, and trust in her body to get her to safety. Some would have found the risks she took insane, but it was a cultural thing for her. The circus was all about risks. "You'll get yourselves killed, but you know that already," Folly said quietly. "I can draw the demon out...It wants to kill me, for some reason. That and probably the entire population of Coventry. They think I'm a murderer...Which I suppose I am, but I didn't kill the people they think I did..." [color=9999ff]"We know it'll be at the circus tonight,"[/color] Andromeda added, mulling over Folly's offer. [color=9999ff]"If you show to the performance, we can draw the thing out. Keep it away from innocents and bystanders. Then, Eudora and Fairfax can get the jump on it. Emmie and I will be sitting in the audience, we'll come and join you when we hear your signal."[/color] [i][b][color=9999ff]December 28th, 2016[/color] - Cirque Anomaly, Main Tent[/b][/i] It's currently fifteen minutes into the mandatory rehearsal. And for those of you eager mathematicians, that means it is 5:15 PM. Showtime isn't until seven that evening, but it'll take at least another forty five minutes to get a rough run through of all the acts complete. Not to mention some issues with Fiodora and Folly not being present--the acrobats are one short and the star contortionist has been murdered. The ringmaster appeared less than pleased with Lilith's choice of act. While the woman was skilled with knives and throwing, he had higher her as a medium and a fortune teller. He expected some sort of supernatural gimmicks and tricks, perhaps even put on a show and pretend to be possessed. Bring up an audience member and predict events of the past, present, and future. But throwing knives? There were hundreds of people in just Massachusetts alone who could do such a thing. But he held his tongue, not wanting to give a bad impression to their honored VIP. The man in the lab coat shrugged slightly before pulling the coat off and setting it on his chair. He made his way up to the stage and put on a winning smile. [color=red]"Please, call me Faust."[/color] Meanwhile, Boris jumped at Thalia's words, his hands springing out and grabbing her by the neck. There was a demonic anger in his eyes and he took a knife, bringing it up towards his assistant's face. "I should carve a smile onto you," Boris said. "You'd look prettier if you smiled." He held his position for a moment before dropping the blade and dropping Thalia in turn, shaking his head. "You're so boring, child." [i][b][color=9999ff]December 28th, 2016[/color] - the Police Station[/b][/i] Outside of the records room, the location of Liam's makeshift prison, the front entrance to the station is rather clear to find. Among various brochures and papers for applying for licenses and the such, there's a helpful map of the local transportation network. The Amtrak station most used was actually in the nearby town of Salem, according to the map. And as Liam will recall from his vision, the train in question was headed to North Station, located in Boston. While the map lists the city as being Uber friendly, it may be quicker for Liam to dash back to the hotel, grab his bike, and make a move on. Or, of course, he could always take Aloise's bug if he could find the keys to it. It may be easier for dragging a culprit home by force. Regardless of what decision he makes, it'll be at least 15 minutes until he can get to the station in Salem.