Yugi took a deep breath to calm his nerves. When asked if he was sure that he was ready. To be going so fr awa from home, from friends. It was new and completely different. But he knew he had to do this for his Grandpa. [i]'It will be alright, Yugi. We are with you.'[/i] Yami's voice came but he did not show himself. Yugi smiled with both of their support, squaring his shoulders. "I'm ready." He walked forward towards the ship. Lined up and for his turn in line, there was so commotion going on of which got Yugi's attention. "Come ooon! You gotta let me on, I'm a duelist too!" a familiar voice that sounded nearby. Though Yugi had it clarified when he saw Joe being escorted by two suited men. Yugi got out of line the. "Joey?" Joey stopped then and looked to see Yugi. "Yugi?" Surprised that he was here. "Wht are you doing here?" He asked his tri-colored spikey haired boy. Yugi looked to Joey with confusion. "I was going to ask you that." Joey shyly chuckled as he scratched the bck of his head and opened his mouth to answer however one of the suits answered for him. "He was caught trying to get on board without a invitation." Yugi however seemed to have an idea with he glint in his eyes and then got a tad serious. "Now hold it right there. Didn't he tell you? He does have one." Yugi said as he got into his pocket and held his fist out to Joey. Joey was confused but held out his own hand while Yugi placed a star chip in his had. "Yugi, y-you..." Wheeler was speechless. Yugi only smiled. "For your sister Joey." Joey could feel his eyes water as the suited men looked to them and presented a card with the star chips and glove on it. "It states that your star chips are invitation into the Tournament." Yugi explained of which one of them spoke. "You'll be left with a disadvantage." The man said. Yugi didnt waver. "I would rather have one and have my friend come with me." The other pulled out a phone and called a number on it. "Boss, We have a situation." It was later decided that Joey was allowed on board with the proof of the one star chip of which both Yugi and Joey were rather thankful for. With all on board, the ship left the docks and set sail, Yugi stood topside by the railings as he was getting use to the motions of the ship and watching the night sky with Joey. "Thanks buddy, I couldnt have done this without you." Joey thanked his friend of whom smiled. Its no big deal. You would have done the same for me." The blonde sheepishly grinned at the compliment. "Aww Shucks. Now we just gotta make sure no one knows about the fact we have a chip each-" "Then stop saying anything about it Joey" Yugi inturrupted with a hushed tone. Joey covered his mouth and looked like he had been caught. "Sorry." Yugi shook his head."