Nora walked next to the girl as they made their way over to the table. The scientist adjusted her glasses as she waited in case the girl needed help sitting down, but when Nora saw her slump into one of the kitchen chairs, she reached out and slid one of the loaded plates toward the girl's place with a small, friendly smile. "Go ahead and eat," she said kindly. "There'll be time to talk later. Just let me know if you need anything for that headache." Nora sat herself down in a chair at the table nearby and took one of the plates for herself. She wanted to be a good host, but heck if she was going to let her own food get cold before she had some of it! She grabbed a few extra napkins and started eating with painfully-adorable tiny bites, relishing the savory and spicy meat, vegetable and sauce mix along with the homemade tortilla. She let out a pleased noise at her own handiwork, then blushed as she got self-conscious and then nearly choked as she tried to apologize and laugh at the same time. It took a whole glassful of the strawberry lemonade to get things back under control again before she could get back to eating again with a sheepish smile.