[center][h1][color=ed1c24]Yukimura Sanada[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3](Eastern Field)[/h3][/center] [hr] To say Lancer was surprised by all this would be an understatement. She wasn’t sure what she was witnessing, even though she was someone who had gone beyond a normal human. A Servant. A special existence… And she was seeing… A moving castle. Definitely not something she had been expecting today, or at all in this war. If it had been flying that’d be fine. If it moved? Also possibly fine. Moving and attacking with a punch though? That was where it started to confuse her. She did hear her Master though. Was she being told to fight? Or to use her own judgement? That being said she didn’t consider those though and did the second without a single word. The attack would catch them if she waited after all. She did hear someone call out about it but it wasn’t a thought she could afford right now. Instead she moved directly to catch David as he ran, and pull him further away from the Castle beyond just out of the range of it’s first punch. [color=ed1c24]“My first priority shall be your safety.”[/color] Speaking honestly and sharing her thoughts with her Master, she tried to get as far as possible so that she could get him out of it’s range. It wasn’t too far. She was just happy she was a Servant with high Agility as to get away in time. Once she had set him down though was the real issue. It was actually much harder to get him out of its range in time like she was wanting to, thus she had to settle for out of it’s arms reach for now, and a focus on fighting meant she might be exposed. But fighting unarmed and unarmored would be a worse idea, thus she had her Armor and Spear come forth, with slight regrets to her action as most people familiar with Japan would probably recognize the six coins on her headband and waist guard. Her largest worry also was this enemy didn’t seem like something one would want to fight alone. Which meant… Teamwork would be important. And she had very little idea how well she’d work with the other servants. Either way it was a good thought to try as she raised her voice as loud as she could to speak with them in this moment. [color=ed1c24]"EVERYONE! WE NEED TO REGROUP!" [/color] It was the most she could think of as a first step. Sudden events making planning difficult, especially when you can't move as far as you'd like in such a short amount of time. [@Berserk Gene] [@SIGINT] [@Yukitamas] [@Breo] [@Kost Alter] [@Holy Grail] [@DrowsyPangolin] [@Beloss] [@ConstantlyComic] [@Moonlit Sonata]