[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/70l9RvR.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] After the students had given their brief introduction to their would-be "instructor"—speaking of which, does this place actually have teachers?—the man leads them into the main building. Inside, the first thing Kaz notices is the black carpet. It's just that it's such an uninviting color. This thing belongs in a dungeon, not a school. Well, "school" [i]is[/i] a relative term for this place, Kaz supposes. The big horned man in charge tells the students to keep their shoes on and to follow him in an orderly line. Additionally, he doesn't want them to touch anything unless explicitly told to. Seems like simple enough instructions. The quality of Kaz's facial animation drops by twenty percent as he begins to care less about what was happening. As they went about their "tour" with nothing being said by the big man, portraits of Heroes and pictures of him and his graduates can be seen lining the walls. Tasteful. Kaz then notices something. There is a framed newspaper clipping on the wall with a picture of Mr. Devil in police custody with a headline mentioning a "Scourge" being taken down by small time Heroes. One can only assume that Mr. Devil himself is, in fact, that very Scourge. Which only speaks volumes about what kind of man this Scourge was, or maybe still is. But that's not what Kaz noticed. There is a portrait nearby that is crooked by a few inches. This vexes him. [color=#A31221][i]"This "no touching" rule is getting on my nerves..."[/i][/color] After trudging through a fence-less backyard and some trees, the group finally arrives at the academy gym where they are told to line up against the wall. Mr. Devil finally introduces himself as simply Lorken, the proprietor of this "tiny slice of Hell." How fitting. Lorken pulls out some paper and started explaining why some of them are here today. It seems like some of them are criminals or something to that effect. Kaz's facial animation quality drops by sixty percent as he picks his ear with his pinky and kind of just drowned out what was being said. Kaz perks up a little bit when Lorken announces that he will be testing their Quirks right now. He lets them know not to pull any punches. [color=#A31221][i]"Shit."[/i][/color] One by one, the students' names are called for their individual testing with Kaz being the very second one. As Dahn [@Mercurial] walks out, Kaz places one hand on his shoulder as if saying "good job" or something like that. With his body facing forward, he turns his head to the side and looks at the rest of the students. [color=#A31221]"If I don't make it back... Just remember I was here."[/color] Kaz tells them as his facial animations shot up to 200% "extra budget" mode. Looking forward again, he walks towards his doom- err, Quirk test. Inside, Kaz stares at Lorken with a blank face. "You next," Lorken simply says. [color=#A31221]"Okay,"[/color] Kaz replies back. He then walks slowly towards Lorken. [color=#A31221]"I have to warn you: don't let my appearance deceive you..."[/color] He stops in front of Lorken and looks up to him with a straight face. [color=#A31221]"I'm much weaker than I look."[/color] Without speaking, Kaz pinches Lorken's left, ahem, nipple with his right hand. [color=#A31221]"..."[/color] There is an awkward silence. [color=#A31221]"No effect I see... Well, I wasn't expecting much of anything but-"[/color] Out of nowhere, Kaz swings his left fist towards Lorken's face while simultaneously calling out, [color=#A31221]"Super Normal Sucker Punch!"[/color] [@Zelosse]