[color=ed1c24]“We have visitors!?!?! I’m so excited!!! YIPPEEE!!!!!”[/color] Rolling from the tantalizing seiza position into a giddy walk over, she threw caution and several pump fists to the wind, all haphazardly in front of Dyn, transforming into one belonging to a race of fairer skin, with symmetric gridlike tattoos and an etched labyrinthine scalp maze, of a distinguished, but unrecognizable [url=http://media.wizards.com/2016/images/daily/c4rd4r7_kNAuJG0JoU.jpg][color=ed1c24]Kor warrior[/color][/url]. With the proper voice and attire, a girl could become anyone to everyone. This could be the perfect opportunity to be someone else with a new audience and the accompanying anticipated acceptance, and Koan could not pass this potential prank up. Deepening her feminine accent, she heralded the two distinct voices on the port side, while clicking her heels, prancing closer to their proximity. [color=ed1c24][b]“Ahoy! Hold your dragons! I’ll take care of y'all!”[/b][/color] Peering over the starboard’s edge and noting the heights and scales/skin of their new guests, she generated a face-down neon sign, which read, from below, her programmed crimson greeting, simultaneously in Dwarvish, Draconic and Common. [color=ed1c24]“Welcome to the [i]SS Lady Slipper[/i]. We are not responsible for death or loss property. Basement and Beholder off-limits.”[/color] Dashing, tumbling and pirouetting about the deck, she loosed two ropes fastened to an unimportant mast and secured each with a [url=https://www.animatedknots.com/fig8_/index.php][color=ed1c24]figure eight[/color][/url] upon the Mizzen. Once both nooses were anchored, the Jester back flipped across to the ship’s side and tossed the lines overboard to the rafted couple. Once the cables unraveled completely, the fool whispered a few words and soon blades of light twirled along the cords, glistening with vivid scarlet in efforts to direct the boarders above. The threaded and staggered luminosities provided the proper ambiance for an exquisite red carpet entrance, to all who gazed. The clown nervously laughed and shouted to those upon the waves, while clanging her boots off once more. [color=ed1c24][b]“Come here often?”[/b][/color] She just hoped the many-eyed Bladesinger wasn’t looming and peeking over her shoulder. [i]Gulp.[/i] [hider=Mechanics:] Using her Hat of Disguise, Koan transformed into a Kor warrior. Using a Level 1 spell forced a Wild Mage Roll against a DC of 3, to which she rolled an [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/3231]11[/url]. Phew! Koan clicks her heels to activate the Boots of Speed in addition to Tumbling Fool, which allows her to Dash and Disengage as a Bonus Action. She then utilizes Minor Illusion to change her voice and construct a linguistic welcoming sign, as she is fluent in all three languages. After the rope is knotted and tossed overboard, Koan uses [i]Dancing Lights[/i] as a cantrip to illuminate the path for the dwarf and kobold. She clicks her heels again to deactivate the Boots of Speed while staring eagerly at the two as they attempt their climb. HP: 40/43 AC (20): Mage Armor (13) + Cloak of Protection (+1) + DEX Mod (+4) + Shield (+2) Weapon: None Arcane Focus: Diamond Tongue Stud Concentrating: None Bardic Inspiration (1/3 used) Sorcerer Points (1/4 used) Slots: Warlock First Level (2/2) used on Sorcerer Points Caster Level = Sorcerer (4) + Bard (3) + Rogue (0) = Seventh Level First Level (0/4 used) Second Level (1/3) used on Hold Person Third Level (0/3 used) Fourth Level (1/1) used on Heroism [/hider] [color=ed1c24][@Big Dread][@Hekazu][@JBRam2002][@Ms Ravenwinter][@Lauder][@Zverda][/color]