Abraham couldn't help but be surprised when no fewer than six Daybreakers gathered in but a few moments. At first this gave him some pause. If someone believed this many Daybreakers were necessary, what exactly were they about to face? Logic, however, soon overshadowed these thoughts. Those gathered had arrived within moments of each other, so they were all in Bosesa to begin with. It was probably nothing more than a lucky coincidence that a force of this size could be mustered, and the call would have gone out to them regardless. Besides, it may not have even been the Council who ordered this mission. Some scavenger teams were equipped with transceivers, so it was very possible this was a distress call directly from those in danger. Looking over the rag tag group of warriors, Abraham was again reminded of just how different most Daybreakers were from the rest of society. Their eccentric clothing, brazen attitudes, and air of confidence was such a stark contrast to the drones who milled about in these dark anthills. One of their number almost immediately took off for the surface, not waiting for the others. Abraham couldn't fault her, since they had dawdled far too long. A particularly smug sounding girl quickly followed. "I believe our compatriots have the right idea." Abraham said to the remaining three. "I wish we had more time for introductions, but every second spent below ground people could be dying on the surface." At the thought, Abraham's countenance shifted, becoming harder, angrier. "There will almost certainly be Tyrants above. With this many Daybreakers, we will crush them underfoot." Abraham turned in the direction of the two who had already departed, and began to run after them, up to the surface.