[@Doc Doctor] Normally such balances could be upset rather easily, especially with Toms arsenal. However, the problem with this lay in with what Steer was doing and how his current 'rendition' utilized what he had. The main problem was the layout of the attack had been done, pressed to Tom and...well, truth be told, a lot of narration wasnt needed for what Steer was doing after that. Narration varied after all, like anything, sometimes big sentences, sometimes when you needed it, one word...Like what Steer was doing and did before the flip. It was simple as that and wouldn't have been had Tom avoided the blue pressing 'wall' altogether but he didnt and while Steer couldn't talk AS fast as Tom, the Happiness Speed infusion kept him up to par, not as fast but JUST behind, not as much as Tom thought but good enough, well enough...But still, BOOM.