*wheezes in this thread's general direction* Apparently the UFP travel ban is no longer in effect, so we should start looking at ramming these characters together and pitching the tarball at the Myrlian Belt or wherever. I think it'll be best if we make a short, sharp quest out of the group's origins. Start with the characters lying around on Frixion Prime, smush them into groups of two and three by random encounters, diddle around with those groups until they figure out they have some things in common, nab a ship and roll credits. I'm happy to take on GM duties for this one, which will probably just involve sending some NPCs or setting events your way when it becomes relevant. Player vs. NPC combat might have rolls involved to add a little more risk, but there's plenty of potential for narrative conflict just getting these bastards to team up in the first place. Who's down? [@HeroicSociopath] [@Antarctic Termite] [@Dark Light] [@ChickenTeriyaki] [@LPRKN] [@Ashevelendar] [@Styxx Acheron]