[hider=Sonic] [u]Name:[/u] Sonic the Hedgehog [u]Nickname:[/u] The Blue Blur; The Fastest Thing Alive [u]Age:[/u] 15 [u]Gender:[/u] Male [u]Species:[/u] Hedgehog [u]Powers:[/u] Sonic's greatest strength is his super speed. Sonic has proven himself in a class of its own with his speed, having been credited as "the fastest thing alive" and even the fastest being in the universe. He has the ability to instantly accelerate to and run at speeds far greater than Mach 1, which is at the blistering speed of about 768 mph and can run backward just as well as he can forwards. Due to such speed, he can scale vertical surfaces and ceilings, run over water, outspeed lasers, and even cause the ground to explode in his wake. Even then, Sonic can take his speed even further. By revving up in one place, he can take off at turbo speeds in an instant. He can also envelope himself in a blue energy field that lets him accelerate beyond the sound barrier on both the ground and in midair for a short time, allowing him to not only smash straight through enemies and obstacles like a living projectile but also fly immense distances through midair. Using certain techniques, he can even achieve light-speed momentarily. Sonic has demonstrated complete mastery of his speed in any environment and can use it for both high-speed offense and defense. Not only can he run at maximum tilt in straight lines, but also in full tight circles and through sharp turns with full control over his momentum. However, he has trouble keeping his balance when coming to a sudden halt. As far as stamina goes, Sonic's is seemingly limitless as he is never winded from running. His speed also allows him to perform several impressive feats: he can heal himself by vibrating his body, launch shockwaves by spinning rapidly, leap in midair, launch stunning waves with fast kicks, increase the force of his blows by striking with increased momentum, and create barriers of super speed. He can also spin in circles or rotate his extremities at super speed to create winds strong enough to attack or blow away opponents, similar to aerokinesis. [u]Skills:[/u] Sonic's core offensive maneuver is the Spin Attack, a technique where he curls into a concussive ball or cutting disk and directs himself at his targets. With it, Sonic can shred or burrow through just about any substance given enough speed and hit with enough force to pierce colossal boulders. Highly adept in its usage, Sonic can utilize several variants of the Spin Attack for both ground- and aerial maneuvers, including the Spin Dash, Spin Jump, Homing Attack and the super-charged Focused Homing Attack. Even without his Spin Attack, Sonic is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant. He mostly relies on his fast footwork since the majority of his power lies in his legs, though he has been known to use his fists and arms as well, albeit in a rather straightforward manner. His fighting style is mostly derived from breakdancing moves which utilize Sonic's legs to their fullest, allowing him wide-ranged and swift kicks. He has also been known to use flying forward kicks, split kicks, and scissor kicks. What Sonic lacks in strength for combat, he makes up for it in speed which he use to deliver lightning fast strikes in a short time. Sonic is capable of a technique called the Super Peel-Out, where he runs in place to gain speed and momentum, before releasing himself to dash forward at top speed imediately. [u]Crush:[/u] n/a, for the most part, Sonic seems uninterested in romance and relationships [u]From:[/u] Sonic CD [u]Personality:[/u] Sonic is said to be "like the wind"; a drifter that is always on the move and is noted for being free-spirited and adventurous. He values freedom above all else and strives to live his life according to his own rules rather than the standards of those around him or for the sake of heroism and duty, never thinking twice about what other people say or think. Born to run, Sonic enjoys nothing more than traveling the world. Endowed with a strong passion for enjoying life, he is never in one place for long and always moves forward to look for his next challenge, making his life a never-ending series of adventures. Because of his need for freedom, Sonic loathes the idea of being constrained, and being cooped up for too long makes him twitchy and restless. Sonic's demeanor is always easygoing, cool and carefree. However, he is often impatient, hates boredom, and possesses at times a short temper. Because of his impulsive nature, Sonic can be reckless and quick to act before thinking, throwing himself into trouble without a second thought and regards for others' warnings. [u]Bio:[/u] Sonic the Hedgehog was born on Christmas Island, however, he spent little actual time there, quickly seeking out adventures of his own, that lead him far away from his home island. Sonic took up residence in the area of South Island, where he came into direct conflict with another inhabitant of the land, Dr. Ivo Robotnik, who Sonic was quick to nickname Eggman for his shape and size. Sonic and Eggman would take to fighting each other as Sonic would foil the doctor's plans for world domination by way of turning the animal inhabitants of South Island into his own personal Robot army. Sonic has since come across an even grander scheme of Eggman's since they last fought, with the Doctor locking Little Planet, a small celestial body that passes by Earth every year, and taking it over by way of the Time Stones, strange artifacts that allow for time travel found only on Little Planet, to go back into the past and unleash his robot army on the small world. As well, he has taken Amy Rose, a young hedgehog girl who followed Sonic onto the Planet, prisoner and is holding her hostage to bait Sonic's morals to save her, where he will destroy him by pitting him against his greatest creation yet. At the current moment, a jump into the past has gone wrong, and Sonic finds himself warped to some strange world that is neither Little Planet, nor Earth in any time period. [u]Appearance:[/u] [img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6418/2b3f2e38a8d19c1e638f4e8fcd05a93eecb626d8_hq.jpg[/img] [u]Likes:[/u] Sonic is a natural drifter and loves to explore and travel to new places. He's a very gregarious and friendly individual who always seeks out new friends. Sonic enjoys chili dogs, which are his favorite food. [u]Dislikes:[/u] Sonic hates opression and evil, despising any kind of individual or group who seeks to control others. Sonic hates being confined to a single area, and dislikes being forced to take things slow. Sonic also hates water, which he has a phobia of, to the point that he will panic and possibly drown if he spends too much time submerged in water. [u][color=9e0b0f]An[/color]other [color=9e0b0f]one of these?[/color]:[/u] When exposed to a strong enough power source, Sonic can channel that energy to take on the form of Super Sonic, a form of himself that his near indestructible and invincible, with golden hair and red eyes, emanating a powerful golden aura. Sonic must maintain this form with some kind of energy source such as the power rings of his world. [/hider]