In other news, I've been meaning to finish my own sheet and give feedback on you guys' but work has been keeping me busy and lately I've been falling behind the deadlines I try to set for myself :c In any case, I hope you can forgive my relative quietness and the slow pace over these past few days. Know that I've skimmed over most sheets but still fully intend to give feedback sometime in the near future. [quote=@Zealous Blade] I believe I have the essentials of my nation complete with minor details left to add. However, I would like to know if there are any major revisions that should be made before I declare myself finished with it. Thanks in advance. [/quote] Since you asked, I looked at yours first. Nothing needs major revisions; in fact you have my compliments because that's one of the best nation sheets I've ever seen. Good work sir, your sheet has the honor of being the first one to be officially accepted. I look forward to seeing your empire IC!