[center] [h2] [color=Yellow] Sasha Novalin: "Saturnia 'The Mach Valkyria'" [/color] [/h2] [/center] [hr] Sasha had never been one to sit still, yet today even her usual restlessness seemed to go overboard. She had been down in the garage since before breakfast and been taking apart a motorcycle and put it back together again at least three times. For those that knew her well, they could probably tell that she was actually quite nervous, they would soon be taking on new apprentices, new faces, and new lives that they would be responsible for. It was a bit of pressure to take in and Sasha didn't want to mess up or do something too embarrassing. When the call came that the bus had finally left the hotel she couldn't sit still any longer. She headed to the stairs and threw off grimy clothes when she came up. She headed past the living quarters and towards her private ones [color=yellow]"Hey Marcus, you Giant Teddy bear!. I'm heading out to check on the bus, I'll be back in twelve. "[/color] she called out while going to her room to put on a clean jumpsuit before heading to the armory. She headed inside and looked to her flight suit while putting on her headset [color=Yellow]"Saturnia taking wing. How's the weather?"[/color] she called in the microphone. She got her response while strapping on her gear. [color=green]"Rodger that Saturnia: There's a Mild autumn breeze to the east, fair winds, and clear skies. Traffic's near nonexistent, have a safe flight"[/color] they responded from the ground control. She stepped up on the ramp and took a deep breath. [color=yellow]"Highway to the sky..."[/color]she said as the roof opened up and the ramp launched her up in the air like a catapult. At the peak of her launch, she activated the thrusters and shot away like a tomahawk missile. An unmistakable sonic boom was later heard when she reached enough height. [hr] To the observant, they would probably spot a dot in the distance blast by near the highway, then said dot made a U.turn heading along traffic lines before getting closer and closer. It did not take Saturnia long to catch up to the bus once she found the right one, and then she quickly adjusted her speed to fly alongside it while the conditions allowed it passing over a few cars on the way. She scanned the faces of all the visible students as she flew near the window and then increased her speed to pass the bus slowly. Once she finished she dropped speed, however, letting the bus pass her once more, then she grinned slightly as she latched onto the rear of the bus and gave the students a bit of a surprise when they were suddenly pushed back in their seats as she gave it a Jet boost. Yet it was but for a few moments, before Saturnia let go again, she knew she didn't have the energy or strength to push the large vehicle all the way even if she wanted too. She flew up next to the bus once more and saluted the students before speeding up fast enough to pass it in a blink of an eye. The ones in the very front would see her vanish in the distance before flying up in the air and vanish in another sonic boom. [hr] Saturnia had been gone for just about twelve minutes precisely when she returned. And as she landed on the ramp she let out a sigh [color=yellow]"Phew, talk about burning calories"[/color]she said wiping of the sweat from her brow as the ramp lowered her safely to the armory once more. After putting her Suit back where it rested between missions she headed back to her room to hit the shower and she would stay there until the students finally arrived.