Olympus covered in thick clouds. How many years had it been since the once Abode of the Gods had been like that? The old witch lamented she had stopped counting after 1323 years. Still, the woman felt a tug at her heart when her gaze met that of thick mists, an ancient sorrow of past times that would never go back. At least not fully. She eyed her fine cream colored summer dress, beginning to show signs of dust stains all over. Not the most practically hiking equipment, if one could say. Her fine high heeled shoes were on one of her well manicured hands, while her other hand struggled to keep a nice and ample hat on top of her red mane of hair. She didn't mind going barefoot, after all, she did that a lot on her ancestral home. Circe sighed, as she pulled one of the many proof of human's skill with craft out of her purse. A set of binoculars, which she aimed at the fog-covered peak, in order to confirm something. And there it was, the omen. A large, well-fed eagle was, ironically, having no such trouble in going inside and outside the mists. "Hmm, I bet there's a lot of house cleaning to do, King of Gods." She muttered under her breath as she tucked away her posessions and hopped down the rock she was standing tall. "Alexios." She called over to a well-dressed young man of greek features and short hair, who somberly looked upon the beck and call of his employer. He was leaning against a 4x4 vehicle, in his hands a bottle of water who he had been drinking without pause. "We can head back now." "Have you found out what you wanted, miss Cere?" The young man said politely, as he opened the door of the vehicle, indicating her to sit in. "Indeed- It is as I thought." She promptly answered. "We should head back to Thessaloniki. And then finish the purchase of that island." She added as she took a seat, while Alexios firmly planted himself in the driving seat. She shifted herself to comfort, as her driver started the engine. "So it's true. They [i]are[/i] back." The young man added, a hint of dread in his voice. "Haros take me...uh, no." "Be careful when you tell that, else the old Ferryman will take that for granted. And If my memory recalls correctly, he was quite the [i]grumpy[/i] one. Still nothing compared to his master, who should not be named." Circe said, as she leant against the side of the seat, getting herself comfortable for the trip. "Hold on... does this mean the island you are purchasing is... [i]Aeaea[/i]? The lair of that witch that turned men into pigs?" The driver added, a hint of alarm in his voice. "But uuh...won't she be angry? I don't like how this sounds, miss Cere." The driver added. "Alexios, if there's one thing I find fascinating about you is how you can be so perceptive at times and still end up [i]completely missing the point.[/i]" Circe sighed as she stared at the landscape through the window. [i]Well, he's not exactly wrong. If someone else gets to the artifacts that might still be there, buried, I will be mad. But out of concern they could do with them. There's simply no telling what would do those new Salem Cult witches do with what's there.[/i]