[centre][b][h1][color=seagreen]Theodore[/color][/h1][/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/84/2a/87/842a873d1a6e87c8263b251077612f22.gif[/img] Location: Flight BAW229; Los Angeles to London. Interacting With: Isaura Elders [@Vicier], and Juliette Colbeck.[/centre] Waiting for Isaura and Juliette to return, Theodore watched the clouds go by the window, a little deep in thought. This was the first trip he had taken, since his parents had died, and he wanted to try and make it as grand as he could for Juliette. He tried so hard to do right by her, and yet still sometimes he worried it wasn’t enough. At the sound of Isaura’s voice, Theodore looked over, smiling as Juliette came running towards him. He would have been utterly and completely lost without Isaura… she had been the rock that had kept him steady, and had helped out with Juliette every chance she could. Theodore was lucky to have her in his life, and he couldn’t imagine it without her. Leaning over to help Juliette buckle herself in, he gave her back her headphones, settling back himself, waiting for Isaura to return as well. The last year had shown him just what it would be like, to truly be a family… they’d been together for what felt like forever, at least to Theodore, and he wanted it to last forever. He wanted Juliette to have a home again, instead of just a place to come back to. He tried to desperately to give her a home, but… he worried it wasn’t enough. He could never give her what their parent’s would have… but he’d damn well try, and he knew that Isaura would to. Looking up, meeting her gaze, returning her smile, Theodore knew that everything he wanted in the world was right there with him. Isaura… even the thought of her filled him with warmth. And her smile sent him over the moon… There really was nothing he wouldn’t do, for her, for Juliette. And there was no one he’d rather have by his side to help raise his little sister. It had been hard so far, but he knew it would have been a million times harder without Isaura. He was already reaching to unbuckle himself, to then rise and sweep her into his arms, when the turbulence happened, the bumping in the air-the change from the smooth flight-forcing him back into his seat from where he’d been, poised to undo his seatbelt. Not terribly concerned-turbulence occurred on just about every flight, so he didn’t think it was anything to worry about-And then it became worse, stronger, longer and he reached out, flinging his arm across Juliette, as if that could stop her from flying out her seat any better than her seatbelt, the motion was instinct, not something he stopped to consider as foolish, and when making sure that she was okay, his gaze searched for Isaura, reaching out to her despite the distance. As the creaking and groaning began, he reached for Juliette’s hand, gripping it with his right, even as he reached across, twisting to try and reach Isaura, forgetting about his seatbelt, that he hadn't yet unbuckled it, not sure what he was even trying to do. Save her from falling luggage? Or pull her back, towards him, to protect her and Juliette? It didn't seem to matter... either way, he just wanted to have her hand in his. [color=seagreen]"Isaura!"[/color] he cried, just wanting her safe beside him, even as his mind sped up, trying to make sense of the situation and telling him that maybe there was no safety anymore. Maybe they were going to go down... maybe this was it... he gripped Juliette's hand tighter, keeping his gaze on Isaura, [color=seagreen]"I love you, I love you both... Isaura!"[/color] His words were drowned by the explosion, and he screamed, frustrated that he couldn’t do anything for one of the few people he loved, stretching his fingers out further as if he could do something about it, pull her back to him with sheer force of will, keeping the tight grip on Juliette, as if he could stop her from disappearing from his side. [color=seagreen]”ISAURA”[/color] As the mask’s came down, Theodore rather furiously pulled one down, but his touch was gentle as he put it on Juliette, forgetting everything he’d been taught about plane safety, and just wanting to make sure that she was okay. Forgetting a mask for himself, he reached to undo his seatbelt, his mind finally recalling that that was why he couldn’t get up. His fingers, shaking with adrenaline, thumbled for the release, all the while, he kept his eyes on Isaura, as if afraid taking his eyes off her would mean she was gone from him forever. He couldn’t bare to see the pain and fear in her gaze, in her beautiful eyes, and his heart almost broke when she reached towards him. He hated seeing the look, hated being too far away. He’d do anything to take her in his arms, and shelter her, protect her… and Juliette. He couldn’t lose either of them. [color=seagreen]”Isaura”[/color] He whispered, trembling fingers grasping the clasp, to unbuckle himself, to go to her, when the sound of metal breaking, screeching apart was added to the sounds the plane already had-screaming, crying, fearful sounds piercing through through everything, and he screamed Isaura’s name again, twisting to protect Juliette as much as he could, seatbelt forgotten as he held his sister, tears pricking his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. He couldn’t let Juliette see his tears, couldn’t let her know he was afraid. [color=seagreen]”it’s going to be okay… It’s always going to be okay, I’ll always be there, I’ll always save you”[/color] He said into his sister’s ear, wanting to reassure her, wanting to let her know that no matter what, he’d always be there to pick her up, and make things right. Even if they only had a few moments left, he wanted her to know that her big brother would go to the ends of the earth for her. He wanted to say the words to Isaura, wanted to le her know how much he loved her, that he would be nothing without her, but he couldn’t, and now he choked back a sob, painfully swallowing around a lump in his throat, closing his eyes tight, still refusing to let the tears fall. He couldn’t do anything for Isaura and it was killing him, tearing his heart out. At her voice, Theodore looked up, turning to look to her. reaching for him, he reached for her, his grasping fingers suddenly brushing through air, and then she was gone from him, [color=seagreen]"ISAURA"[/color] He bellowed, the word tearing through his throat painfully, [color=seagreen]”Isaura!”[/color] He rasped, once more having a near death grip on Juliette, as if he could defy gravity, as he watched as half of his existence was torn away from him, tears fallen unbidden down his cheeks.